When a base candidate in a potential JE fails the two cover house requirement, if it is a given in another box in the JE band, there may be another way to prove the JE is true. The purpose of the two cover house rule is to ensure that the true candidates in the base cells must also be true in a target cell, but if the digit is a given, this may be forced, and in that case the failed test result can be ignored.
This produces a class of Almost JEs which is missing from the compendium where digits fail the rule but would be forced true in one target. The other target cell must then hold a compliant digit or perhaps another forced one. Although this could be considered to be an extension of the JE pattern specification, the Almost JE treatment is more convenient because why the digit would be forced into a target cell needs to be described to be able to validate the pattern.
Gordon Fick alerted me to the following puzzle from Champagne's collection which nicely illustrates the considerations.
- Code: Select all
| <9> <8> 123 | <7> 1345 12345 | <6> 1235 1245 |
| <7> 12346 1236 | 34569 134569 12345 | 2458 1235 12458 |
| 1346 t 12346 <5> | 346 <8> 1234 | 247 <9> 1247 | CL1
| <5> 12369 123689 t | 38 <7> 138 | 289 <4> 12689 | CL2
| 168 <7> 1268 | 458 145 <9> | 258 1256 <3> |
| 138 139 <4> | <2> 135 <6> | 5789 157 15789 |
| <2> 3469 b 36789 | 345689 34569 34578 | <1> 567 45679 |
| 1346 <5> 13679 | 3469 <2> 347 | 479 <8> 4679 | CLB
| 468 469 b 6789 | <1> 4569 4578 | <3> 2567 245679 |
36 3 6
(3469)Almost JE2:r79c2, r3c1, r4c3
In this JE2 pattern (4) and (9) are both givens in the JE band and would fail the two cover house rule for their 'S' cells.
Considering (9) first. The mirror cells in box1 are r12c1. As (7)r2c1 is a non-base digit, (9)r1c1 must be the true one.
This would force (9) to be true in the JE and therefore also into the target at r4c3.
It therefore doesn't matter that (9) doesn't comply, it must be true in a target cell when the JE is true.
Turning to (4), if is a member it must be true in the r3c1 target and (4)r6c2 would be the true mirror cell, so it too needn't comply.
Unlike (9) it is possible for (4) to be false in the JE. (4)r6c3 would then become the false mirror cell and (1268)r5c3 the true one.
As (3) and (6) both comply with the two cover house requirement, one of them would be true in target cell r3c1 if (4) was false.
The JE2 pattern is therefore proved. It must contain (9) plus either the forced (4) or one of (23) both of which comply with the rule.
=> r4c3 = 9 (forced), r3c1 <> 1 (non-member digit in a target cell)
A secondary check then shows (3) can't be a member.
=> r3c1,r7c2 <> 3 (missing from mirror cells, eliminated from base and target cells)
But there's more!
- Code: Select all
| <9> <8> 123 b | <7> 1345 12345 | <6> 1235 1245 |
| <7> 12346 1236 b | 34569 134569 12345 | 2458 1235 12458 |
| 46 12346 <5> | 346 <8> 1234 | 247 <9> 1247 | CLB
| <5> 1236 t 9 | 38 <7> 138 | 28 <4> 1268 | CL1
| 168 <7> 1268 | 458 145 <9> | 258 1256 <3> |
| 138 13 <4> | <2> 135 <6> | 5789 157 15789 |
| <2> 469 3678 | 345689 34569 34578 | <1> 567 45679 |
| 1346 t <5> 1367 | 3469 <2> 347 | 479 <8> 4679 | CL2
| 468 469 678 | <1> 4569 4578 | <3> 2567 245679 |
36 13 16
(1236)Almost JE2 r12c3,r4c2,r8c1
In this case (136) comply and (2) doesn't but (2)r7c1 is a given and if it is true in the base cells, will be forced to be true in the r4c2 target.
As the other digits (136) all comply with the two cover house rule, the JE2 pattern is sound.
=> r8c1 <> 4 (non-member in target cell)
Secondary check
=> r8c1 <> 6 (missing from mirror cell r6c2 )
It is now possible to check if a third JE2 is true (1368)r56c1, r3c3, r8c3
But (8) does not occupy either target so cannot be a member (note it is a given at r1c2) so the JE2 is not proven.
However (136) all comply with the cover house rule so there is a strong link (8=136)JE2:r56c1 available.
(8)r56c1 = (136)JE2:r56c1 -[a]- (2)r23c2 = (2)r4c2 - (2=8)r4c7 - (8)r6c79 = (8)r6c1 => r5c3 <> 8 ([a]= non-JE Member in target & true mirror cells)
Although this proves this JE2 must be false, the elimination considerably shortens the rest of the solution.
David PB