denis_berthier wrote:RW wrote:Other techniques define ways of spotting contradictions. Uniqueness technique defines new contradictions.
In all the cases, you have to define the patterns that lead to contradictions and then you have to spot these patterns.
My view on uniqueness technique is a bit different. To me uniqueness technique is only about defining new contradictions. In an unique sudoku, a completed unavoidable set with no given clues or a deadly pattern with no extra candidates is a contradiction that leads to 0 solutions. Exactly like a unit missing a candidate or a cell with no candidates is a contradiction that leads to 0 solutions. I don't need to define new patterns that lead to uniqueness contradictions, I can use the same patterns I use to find regular contradictions. Therefore the whole term "uniqueness technique" is a bit misleading, because there is essentially no new technique involved, only new contradictions.
It's probably true that there are more rules for uniqueness, but they may also be so specific that trying to use them all would be very counter productive.
Exactly. In terms of efficiensy, it's best to use some generalised rules that defines the most common unavoidable sets and deadly patterns. With a few rules you can cover quite a lot of common patterns. Then there will always be a lot of strange exotic patterns that most likely will never appear in a puzzle, but if they did, they would allow some eliminations. Like this technique...