Mauriès Robert wrote:The correction, François, would be for you to address to me exactly what you addressed to Denis.
Thank you
Of course, but rather tomorrow morning.
Mauriès Robert wrote:The correction, François, would be for you to address to me exactly what you addressed to Denis.
Thank you
François, translated by Denis wrote:First step : I show that a track based on a set does not necessarily contain a candidate from this set.
Consider a puzzle with at least two solutions S1 and S2, and an entity containing 4 candidates A1, A2, A3, A4 such that A1 ∈ S1 and A2 ∈ S2.
Let the pair of sets be E1 = {A1, A2} and E2 = {A3, A4}
By definition, P(E1) = P(A1) ∩ P(A2).
If P(E1) contained A1, then A1 would belong to both P(A1) and P(A2).
Therefore P(A2) would contain A1 and A2, and it would be contradictory (A1 and A2 are candidates of the same entity).
But P(A2) cannot be contradictory, because A2 belongs to a solution and all the other candidates in P(A2) are logical consequences of A2.
Therefore P(E1) cannot contain A1.
By symmetry, P(E1) cannot contain A2.
Finally, P(E1) contains neither A1 nor A2, i.e. no candidate from E1.
N.B.: cell r2c3 from puzzle #630 at satisfies the conditions at the start of the above proof.
Second step
At the start of the proof of Th 2-1, there is the following sentence:
« As one of the candidates Ak in E1 must be true for applying R, one can say that one of the Ak's in E1 is a candidate of P’(E2) »
From this, I keep only the proposition PR :
« one of the candidates Ak in E1 is in P'(E2) »
If Th 2-1 is true, then P ’(E2) = P(E1) and proposition PR becomes:
« one of the candidates Ak in E1 is in P(E1); but the 1st step has shown that this is not necessarily true.
To sum up : if theorem 2-1 is true, then its proof is false.
François, translated by Denis wrote:N.B : let me add that, at the start of the document, it is stated that the theory is supposed to apply all types of puzzles (with unique solution or not).
DEFISE wrote:Hi Robert,
Finally I was able to do it tonight, but without translating ....
Mauriès Robert wrote:Your (DEFISE) demonstration is indeed without appeal
Mauriès Robert wrote:either the theorem is false or my demonstration is false.
Mauriès Robert wrote:This theorem, which I believe to be true,
Robert_Mauriès wrote:"Theorem 2.1: If E1 and E2 form a pair of sets, the track P(E1) based on E1 is identical to the antitrack P’(E2) based on E2, and conversely."
denis_berthier wrote:.
[Edit 2]: the reference for my forthcoming posts: the december 2017 original French version of the document "Théorie de la technique des pistes en sudoku. Par Robert Mauriès (*)". I'll cite the original and do the translations myself.
denis_berthier wrote:[Edit 3]: On the website's left part, there are indeed two buttons, leading to 2 different versions of the paper. So, the previous version has not disappeared. It remains that any reference to tracks and anti-tracks based on arbitrary sets of candidates have disappeared from the new paper.
denis_berthier wrote:.
We've gone past my first post. We've reached a point where I've proven that theorem 2.1 is false.
My translations are not missing any part related to theorem 2.1. and they are totally faithful. My proof uses only what I've translated. If you claimed the contrary, you would have to say where precisely.
The only questions are:
- after François told you the proof of Theorem 2.1 has an error, why did you not investigate it seriously but keep it online for 2 or 3 years as if it was true?
- after my proof, do you finally admit that theorem 2.1 of the 2017 paper is false or will you continue trying to gaslight us and the readers of your forum?
denis_berthier wrote:Note: R is the 4 rules of Sudoku (see p.1).
Honestly, I'm re-assured. Robert will not speak of sacrificing virgins, drinking potions or eating brains of alive monkeys. Phew!!!!
denis_berthier wrote:But do I know what a resolution technique (RT) is? Of course not. Does this intend to restrict RTs to pattern-based solutions - which would exclude T&E...? We'll never know.
denis_berthier wrote:As we still don't know what a resolution technique is, TR is not defined. Note that this "definition" of TR is the basis for all the rest of the paper. This seems to be very shaky grounds for a theory.
Mauriès Robert wrote:I continue to comment on your writings in the order in which they were published...
Here is the full text on this subject:
A solving technique is a logical approach (reasoning) allowing to place or eliminate candidates on a grid by applying R. We designate by TR the set of solving techniques allowing to solve a grid, by TE (elementary techniques) a part of these techniques including the simplest ones which are: the search for unique candidates by sweeping the zones, the search for alignments and the search for closed sets (doublet, triplet, quadruplet, etc). These three techniques together constitute the basic techniques designated by TB.
I agree that it should be more detailed, and it was planned in a new edition that I cannot find the time to finalise.
Mauriès Robert wrote:You have translated "either" which here means consequently or therefore, by "equivalent".
denis_berthier wrote:TR remains undefined. The broadest interpretation is the first I gave, i.e. applying the full power of logic to R.
No need to talk of the rest.
In any case, all this is now totally beside the point, because my proofs apply for any resolution theory, including applying the full power of FOL to the 4 rules of Sudoku; and your theorem 2.1 his false for any of them.
I see you are again trying to drown the fish, as you have done for 2+ years with François; that's not a very good idea.
Again, the only question now is: is there anything wrong with my proofs (according to you)?
And take this as a stern warning: stop insulting me (delirium...) or you will be reported.
denis_berthier wrote:Resolution technique: first interpretation
In the absence of an answer, here is my first interpretation of what a TR is. This is the most obvious one, the one that any mathematician would consider as the most likely.
A TR is any way of proving logical consequences of the 4 axioms.
For a puzzle with a single solution, this has the unfortunate consequence that any track is:
- either the set of all the candidates (inconsistent puzzle);
- or the set of all the candidates that are true in the solution.
(The basis for this is the well-known theorem that you can find in the first pages of any Logic book: a formula is provable in a theory T if and only if it is true in all the models of T).
In both cases, a track is totally independent of its starting point and the notion is devoid of any use.
denis_berthier wrote:Translator = me a écrit:
An entity is the set of candidates for the same cell or the set of candidates with the same number in the same unit"
denis_berthier wrote:(I've translated to more usual Sudoku vocabulary.)
In my vocabulary, an "entity" is merely the content of a 2D-cell or CSP-Variable.
denis_berthier wrote:Ah, yes, something more; just a remark on the fly: the end of definition 3 - "P(E) = ∩E P(Ak ), i.e. P(E) ⊆ P(Ak ) ∀k" - must be a new fundamental theorem in Set Theory, making Robert a potential candidate for a Fields Medal.
Starting from today, P(E) = ∩E P(Ak ) is equivalent to P(E) ⊆ P(Ak ) ∀k; you don't need to prove the reverse inclusion.
That'll make a lot of students happy; they can replace half of their home work by playing with their Nintendo.
denis_berthier wrote:The only questions are:
- after François told you the proof of Theorem 2.1 has an error, why did you not investigate it seriously but keep it online for 2 or 3 years as if it was true?
- after my proof, do you finally admit that theorem 2.1 of the 2017 paper is false or will you continue trying to gaslight us and the readers of your forum?
denis_berthier wrote:We've gone past my first post. We've reached a point where I've proven that theorem 2.1 is false.
My translations are not missing any part related to theorem 2.1. and they are totally faithful. My proof uses only what I've translated. If you claimed the contrary, you would have to say where precisely.
Mauriès Robert wrote:In your demonstration you write :
By definition, P'(E2) is defined by X ∊ P'(E2) iff eliminating all the elements of E2 allows to prove X in TR (TB)
i.e. X ∊ P'(E2) iff the disjunction of all the elements in E1 implies X in TR (TB)
i.e. X ∊ P'(E2) iff (A or B or C...) => X
i.e. X ∊ P'(E2) iff A=>X or B=>X or C=>X...
i.e. X ∊ P'(E2) iff X ∊ P(A) or X ∊ P(B) or X ∊ P(C) ...
Said otherwise, P'(E2) is the union of all the P(Ak), Ak in E1 (while P(E1) is their intersection).
I disagree with the conclusion. What you show is: P'(E2) ⊂ in the union of P(Ak).
So for the moment, and unless I have not understood your demonstration, I maintain that the theorem is not false.
I hope I have answered all your questions.