Albania wrote:creint wrote:For hexadoku it is possible:

Wait. It isn't possible. Rubik cube is 3x3. Here you have 4x4.
Hi Albania
Rubik's cubes can be any size. You can even buy 4x4 physical Rubik's cubes.
The same is true of Sudoku: it is not restricted to 9x9.
creint's modification of your idea is the best 3D version of Sudoku one can imagine. It leads to a clean game, with easy to write rules, similar to those of Sudoku: for each possible value in {1, 2 ... 9, A ... G}, only one position in each side, in each horizontal slice and in each vertical slice.
I suggest we call it
RubiDoku ("SudoCube" and "CubeDoku" are already used commercially.)
I would be quite surprised if this game had not already been invented - though I haven''t been able to find it by a quick search on the web.
Complexity-wise, with 16*6 = 96 cells, it's intermediate between 9x9 (81 cells) and 16x16 (256 cells) classical Sudoku.
Mathematically-wise, it's a beautiful object of study - same as Sudoku. It has isomorphisms slightly different from Sudoku*: digit permutations, reflections in each dimension, central symmetry, arbitrary permutations of slices in each dimension.
Contrary to Sudoku, it can physically exist in only one size (unless you want to create puzzles in 4D, 5D... space, but they will be hard to build in the real world).
Also same as Sudoku, it has g-candidates and whips[1] (which Latin Squares don't have) and they are easy to define and use (as "intersections"). It makes it all the more interesting as a game and as an object of study.
I don't have a generator of puzzles, but I think it wouldn't be too hard for those who have one to adapt it to produce minimal RubiDoku puzzles.
I think we also need some notation for the sides; I suggest the following (Top, Bottom, West, South, East, North), in the above flat representation of the cube:
- Code: Select all
(*) I've modified my original version of isomorphisms. I no longer stick to those respecting Rubik's cube markings on different sides of small cubes.