To parrot
rubylips, I'd like to couch the excellent observations from
bennys in my own learner's vocabulary. Copying bennys' illustrations of candidates, I shall do so without assigning terms and using only two symbols common in algebra: '=' for equals and '<>' for 'not equals'.
The first sticking point is ...
- Code: Select all
| 579 5789 12 | 3 4 12 | 589 59 6 |
| 459 6 249 | 7 8 29 | 1 3459 3459 |
| 34 *89 1349 |*19 6 5 |*489 7 2 |
| 79 4 8 | 5 2 79 | 3 6 1 |
| 6 1 5 | 89 3 489 | 7 2 49 |
| 2 3 79 | 6 1 479 | 459 8 459 |
| 1 2 39 | 4 7 38 | 6 359 3589 |
| 3457 57 6 | 128 9 138 | 24 134 3478 |
| 8 79 3479 | 12 5 6 | 249 1349 3479 |
A set of three cells in row 3 (r3c2, r3c4, r3c7) has the four candidates 1489 (89, 19, 489). There are four possible combinations of three candidates from this set of four: 148, 149, 189, and 489. Note that each possibility includes the 4 or the 1 or both.
The only possible cell in the set for the 4 is r3c7. If r3c7=4, then r8c7=2.
The only possible cell in the set for the 1 is r3c4. If r3c4=1, then r9c4=2, r8c4<>2, and r8c7=2.
In either case, r8c7=2.
After pinning r8c7 to 2 and making additional steps, the next sticking point is ...
- Code: Select all
| 579 5789 12 | 3 4 12 | 589 59 6 |
| 459 6 249 | 7 8 29 | 1 3459 3459 |
| 34 89 1349 | 19 6 5 | 489 7 2 |
| 79 4 8 | 5 2 79 | 3 6 1 |
| 6 1 5 | 89 3 489 | 7 2 49 |
| 2 3 79 | 6 1 479 | 459 8 459 |
| 1 2 39 | 4 7 38 | 6 359 3589 |
| 3457 57 6 | 18 9 138 | 2 *34 378 |
| 8 79 3479 | 2 5 6 |*49 1 3479 |
A set of two cells in box 9 (r8c8,r9c7) has the three candidates 349 (34,49). There are three possible combinations of two candidates from this set of three: 34, 39, and 49. Note that each possibility includes the 9 or the 3 or both.
The only possible cell in the set for the 9 is r9c7. If r9c7=9, then r9c2=7.
The only possible cell in the set for the 3 is r8c8. If r8c8=3, then r8c6<>3, r7c6=3, r7c3=9, r9c2=7.
In either case, r9c2=7.
Now that I understand the technique ... a very clever technique indeed ... I'll try to understand the syntax of equations presented by others. IOW I've got to walk before I can run.