HOW TO POST UP an image

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HOW TO POST UP an image

Postby Kozo Kataya » Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:27 am

Does anyone show me, HOW POST UP an image like Yogi's [***.png] here ?
i tried [Img], thogh nohting happen. Usually i try to solve via MS's EXCEL
and want to present my idea in this forum via EXCEL's based technique.
"EXCEL" to "PAINT" and "COPY" procedure does not work.
Regards kozo
Kozo Kataya
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Re: 2nd Generation Skyscrapers

Postby StrmCkr » Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:46 am

06 July 2012

since you have been lurking around for 4+ years 'm sure you should have seen/read how to accomplish that task however to be semi helpful.

most of long term users use sudoku assistant, or hoduko or xsudoku to copy a penicl mark grid over then use the [.code] paste grid here [./code]
to display it {remove the "." from the code section above to make it work }

ps the ping image is an uploaded attachment
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Re: 2nd Generation Skyscrapers

Postby Kozo Kataya » Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:19 am

StrmCkr wrote:since you have been lurking around for 4+ years 'm sure you should have seen/read how to accomplish that task however to be semi helpful.
most of long term users use sudoku assistant, or hoduko or xsudoku to copy a penicl mark grid over then use the [.code] paste grid here [./code]
to display it {remove the "." from the code section above to make it work }
ps the ping image is an uploaded attachment

i slept for almost 4 years because of severe kidney cancer, and a novice at this forum.
Your suggestion does not help me, HOW UPLOAD ATTACHMENT, is my concern.
Regards kozo THKS
Kozo Kataya
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Re: 2nd Generation Skyscrapers

Postby StrmCkr » Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:32 am

Well, sorry to read an illness kept you from enjoying this form and life.
When you create a post there is a tab that says upload attachment
Just below the field you write on.
Click on it then follow the prompts to upload small files.
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Re: 2nd Generation Skyscrapers

Postby JasonLion » Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:47 am

Text representations of a Sudoku board are much preferred over images. Images tend to get lost over time and they don't allow easy copying into other programs.
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Re: 2nd Generation Skyscrapers

Postby Kozo Kataya » Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:48 am

doraemon.png (71.87 KiB) Viewed 1959 times
Thks a lot, i got it.
Regards kozo
Kozo Kataya
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Re: HOW TO POST UP an image

Postby Kozo Kataya » Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:25 pm

JasonLion wrote:Text representations of a Sudoku board are much preferred over images. Images tend to get lost over time and they don't allow easy copying into other programs.

So kind of you, i would try to post with Text and/or Code. Appreciate your efforts Super!
THKS a lot kozo
Kozo Kataya
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How To Post An Image

Postby Yogi » Sat Sep 03, 2016 10:05 am

I just noticed this. It’s a bit of a process and mostly I don’t bother, but sometimes I do want my post to include a pictorial diagram and I don’t like the green txt ASCII drawings.
You would possibly notice that these days when I post a diagram for a board I also include the code so that respondents have something they can easily import into a solver.
Anyway, to do this my way you need to have a solver which will export a suitable diagram into a Word document (I use SadMan). Then the Paint function will convert the diagram to a PNG file (or any other picture format you prefer.) The same can be done with a Table drawn in Word, although you have to make sure your cell borders in the table are heavy enough for Paint to pick them up and include them in the picture.
Over time I have learned that you get far too big an image unless you take SadMan down to it’s minimum size before exporting, and after creating the PNG image, crop out the white space then reduce it to 80% dimensions before saving. After that you use the forum’s ‘Upload Attachment’ function to choose your PNG file and insert it into your post, but before you press the ‘Place Inline’ button, make sure you have the cursor in the right place in your draft post or your image will not go where you intend it to. It helps to use the forum’s Preview function to make sure you are getting what you want. Try this: 9...2...1.8.....3...6...5.....3.5...8...6...9...1.8.....3...6...4.....5.1...7...8

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