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Postby tarek » Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:16 am

I've been trying to embed some images (or even some links to images) into fora posts......

Is there a site on the internet which allows this (Hotlinking or direct linking). There is a chance of this not being possible because of sharing bandwidth. But not everybody has their own dedicated bandwidth:(

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Postby ronk » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:12 am

I use tinypic and imageshack, but mostly tinypic.

Unfortunately I don't remember which, but one of them lost a few of my Sudoku images a year or so ago. Best strategy might be to split image hosting between two sites. Then if one host disappears forever, at least one only loses 1/2 the images.
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Postby tarek » Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:12 pm

Ah thanx for that........

will try it later today.....

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Postby udosuk » Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:51 pm

I don't know why ronk uses ...:?:

I use and it works fine by itself.

Just want to note that I almost exclusively use imageshack instead of tinypic now, for the reason imageshack allows you to keep your filename (it does tag 3 random chars before the dot, but there's no confusion)... Whereas tinypic will just give you a random filename as the link.

But if keeping filenames isn't your issue, then they both should work fine.:idea:
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Postby ronk » Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:20 pm

udosuk wrote:I don't know why ronk uses ...:?:

Because I'm the president of imageshack and I like to have access to the Login link.:) Actually, there's no particular reason, it's just the link I had saved on my desktop.
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Postby tarek » Thu Mar 21, 2019 2:42 pm

So after the demise of some of these direct links I started using

I would prefer direct linking than to burden our host's server with uploaded images (although I have done that in the past)

I've managed to migrate some of the old dead links. There are still around 30-40 linked images (most still working) that need migrating :cry:

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Postby tarek » Sat Dec 21, 2019 9:26 pm hotlinked images are all broken now … I must have backed up >90% and just went through the painful process of editing the pots again with new hotlinks to

The forum I now littered with broken links now … most of the posts that had only images are pretty much useless now :cry:

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Postby 999_Springs » Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:24 pm

image hosting sites come and go over the years. i (and many others) have uploaded tons of pictures to tinypic, imageshack, imagehost,, flickr and all those sites and posted them to forums (not this one) over the years gone by and pretty much all of them have died. is the most popular one nowadays and is a good reliable choice, and has been around for a while, but there's no guarantee that it'll die too just like imageshack
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