Starting posiiton is this:
- Code: Select all
Simple solving steps leads me to this point - and then no further. I cannot see the next step at all by any of the methods I know (including X wing, XY wing etc) and Simple Soduko cannot offer a tip at this point either:
| 3 6 5 | 1 9 2 | 78 78 4 |
| 1279 1249 478 | 468 56 4568 | 29 15 3 |
| 129 1249 48 | 348 7 3458 | 29 6 15 |
| 1257 12458 9 | 24678 1256 145678 | 3467 1347 126 |
| 6 125 47 | 29 3 15 | 47 19 8 |
| 127 1248 3 | 246789 126 14678 | 5 1479 1269 |
| 59 7 12 | 236 8 136 | 346 3459 569 |
| 4 59 12 | 2367 126 1367 | 368 3589 569 |
| 8 3 6 | 5 4 9 | 1 2 7 |
Please can someone offer the next step, fully explained in plain Englsh please (I fear that I just do not understand any of the mathematical shorthand that is often used on these message boards):
- please use logic only if at all possible, and thus avoiding the use of 'forcing chains' or similar (which I regard as 'what if' trial and error solutions, not pure logic and reasoning (where the thought flow will start with 'because...');
- please also avoid the use of computer programs and software solvers (Sudopku is after all a human gamne, not a computer game??).
By the way, I was able to solve the next puzzle in the book from which this came by logic and simple solving techniques alone - so not all the puzzles are like this one.
Thanks in advance for all tips received.