Having trouble retaining login

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Having trouble retaining login

Postby QBasicMac » Tue Dec 27, 2005 4:57 am

Starting a day or two ago, I seem to lose my session when I close my connection to www.sudoku.com.

Has something changed?

Now I have to log in every time I start, even though I long ago and still check the "retain login" box.


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Postby Animator » Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:14 am

Did you change something in the configuration of your system? (read: are cookies still allowed?)
Posts: 469
Joined: 08 April 2005

Postby QBasicMac » Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:01 pm

Animator wrote:cookies still allowed?

Yep. I've looked elsewhere. Can't find anything. But since you indicate nothing at your end has changed in the last few days, I will look harder.

I did have my brother-in-law "checking email" on my machine the other day and maybe he "fixed" something.

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Joined: 13 July 2005

Re: Having trouble retaining login

Postby ihope127 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:57 pm

QBasicMac wrote:Starting a day or two ago, I seem to lose my session when I close my connection to www.sudoku.com.

I imagine that would be extremely annoying, as IIRC the connection is closed every time a web page stops loading.
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Postby QBasicMac » Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:29 pm

I shouldn't have said "closed connection" I should have said "every time I close the Internet Explorer window to www.sudoku.com. If I leave the window open, I can operate OK. (I just have to develop the new habit of leaving it open).

My other sites that have "remembered connections" work fine. Just this site changed.

I thought maybe this was a penalty I have to pay for disparaging techniques such as uniqueness.

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Postby Son of Pappocom » Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:41 pm

QBasicMac wrote:
Animator wrote:cookies still allowed?

I did have my brother-in-law "checking email" on my machine the other day and maybe he "fixed" something.


That's the thing that jumps out for me. Have you tried clearing your cookies and/or cache? Doing so would probably kill autologins you have at any other forums, so it's a bit of a last resort, but it's what I'd try in your situation.

Son of Pappocom
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Postby ihope127 » Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:31 pm

QBasicMac wrote:I shouldn't have said "closed connection" I should have said "every time I close the Internet Explorer window to www.sudoku.com.

Every time you end your browser session?
Posts: 22
Joined: 25 December 2005

Postby QBasicMac » Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:37 pm

ihope127 wrote:Every time you end your browser session?

Let's say I have two windows open in IE


They all require login and I am logged in with option retain login.

I close the latter two so I just have

I Access those pages again

NO PROBLEM. The Sudoku window says Log out [ QBasicMac ]
(which I don't do)

Now I close the two sudoku links by simply clicking on "x" in the right corner of my IE window. The only IE window is

Now I access the same Sudoku post but now it says
Log in

Posts: 441
Joined: 13 July 2005

Postby MCC » Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:00 pm

Hi Mac

You could ask your brother-in-law if he altered anything when he accessed his e-mail.

He may have altered the privacy level in IE.

Not sure if this will help but;
If you right click on IE, click internet properties, click privacy, reset privacy level to medium.

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Postby QBasicMac » Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:06 pm

Thanks for your concern and attempts to help.

Well, I deleted some large files that have nothing to do with the internet and then did a reboot and then a defrag and another boot. I didn't even think about my login problem - This was an independent operation.

However, since then, staying logged on is no longer a problem.


Maybe some file was fragmented and IE was taking too long to find something and timed out? I have no idea.

Anyway, thread can be closed.:D
Posts: 441
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