hardest variant ever

For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants

hardest variant ever

Postby urhegyi » Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:26 pm

I found this diagonal windoku with irregular blocks on this site:https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?chlang=en&id=00018W
Tried by hand, also with Sisesuso but no result.
What technique am I missing?
Solution by brute force was the only way to find out.
Code: Select all

Solution confirmed what I was thinking: example of Gurths symmetrical placement
Posts: 758
Joined: 13 April 2020

Re: hardest variant ever

Postby 1to9only » Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:01 pm

SE rates this as ED=8.2/8.2/2.6.

Code: Select all
......3.....2.....1...............6...........4...............9.....8.....7...... 111111123444444123555474123566472223567777723566679223568979333568999999568888888 JSWX ED=8.2/8.2/2.6

Code: Select all
Analysis results
Difficulty rating: 8.2
This Windoku-X Jigsaw can be solved using the following logical methods:
72 x Hidden Single (1.0-1.5)
1 x Naked Single (2.3)
8 x Pointing (2.6)
14 x Claiming (2.8)
19 x Generalized Intersection (2.9)
1 x Naked Quad (5.0)
2 x Aligned Triplet Exclusion (7.5)
41 x Nishio Forcing Chains (7.7-8.2)

solution path: Show
Code: Select all
2.6, Pointing: Cells R1C9,R2C9,R3C9,R4C9,R5C9,R6C9: 8 in cage and column: r9c9<>8
2.6, Pointing: Cells R4C1,R5C1,R6C1,R7C1,R8C1,R9C1: 2 in cage and column: r1c1<>2
2.6, Pointing: Cells R1C1,R1C2,R1C3,R1C4,R1C5,R1C6: 6 in cage and row: r1c9<>6
2.6, Pointing: Cells R9C4,R9C5,R9C6,R9C7,R9C8,R9C9: 4 in cage and row: r9c1<>4
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R2C3,R3C3,R3C4,R4C4: 4 in windoku: r3c6<>4
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R3C7,R3C8,R4C6,R4C7: 2 in windoku: r6c7<>2
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R6C3,R6C4,R7C2,R7C3: 8 in windoku: r4c3<>8
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R6C6,R7C6,R7C7,R8C7: 6 in windoku: r7c4<>6
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C2,R1C3,R1C5,R1C6,R3C7: 2 in cage: r1c9<>2
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R2C9,R3C9,R5C9,R6C9,R7C7: 6 in cage: r9c9<>6
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R3C3,R4C1,R5C1,R7C1,R8C1: 4 in cage: r1c1<>4
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R7C3,R9C4,R9C5,R9C7,R9C8: 8 in cage: r9c1<>8
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R3C6.9 on ==> R2C5.9 both on & off: r3c6<>9
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R4C3.3 on ==> R9C2.3 both on & off: r4c3<>3
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R6C7.7 on ==> R5C8.7 both on & off: r6c7<>7
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R7C4.1 on ==> R8C9.1 both on & off: r7c4<>1
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R2C5.4 on ==> R8C1.4 both on & off: r2c5<>4
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R2C6.4 on ==> R8C1.4 both on & off: r2c6<>4
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R4C2.8 on ==> R9C8.8 both on & off: r4c2<>8
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R5C2.8 on ==> R9C8.8 both on & off: r5c2<>8
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R5C8.2 on ==> R1C5.2 both on & off: r5c8<>2
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R6C8.2 on ==> R1C6.2 both on & off: r6c8<>2
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R8C4.6 on ==> R6C9.6 both on & off: r8c4<>6
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R8C5.6 on ==> R5C9.6 both on & off: r8c5<>6
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/36 nodes): R1C1.8 on ==> R9C8.8 both on & off: r1c1<>8
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/13 nodes): R3C2.8 on ==> R7C3.8 both on & off: r3c2<>8
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/16 nodes): R2C5.8 on ==> R7C1.8 both on & off: r2c5<>8
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/36 nodes): R1C9.4 on ==> R8C1.4 both on & off: r1c9<>4
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/13 nodes): R2C7.4 on ==> R3C3.4 both on & off: r2c7<>4
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R5C8.4 on ==> R1C5.4 both on & off: r5c8<>4
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/36 nodes): R9C9.2 on ==> R1C2.2 both on & off: r9c9<>2
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/13 nodes): R7C8.2 on ==> R3C7.2 both on & off: r7c8<>2
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/14 nodes): R8C5.2 on ==> R5C9.2 both on & off: r8c5<>2
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R1C9.8 on ==> R4C4.8 both on & off: r1c9<>8
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R3C6.7 on ==> R1C5.7 both on & off: r3c6<>7
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R4C3.9 on ==> R9C1.9 both on & off: r4c3<>9
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R6C7.1 on ==> R5C9.1 both on & off: r6c7<>1
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R7C4.3 on ==> R9C9.3 both on & off: r7c4<>3
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R9C1.2 on ==> R7C6.2 both on & off: r9c1<>2
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/38 nodes): R9C9.4 on ==> R4C7.4 both on & off: r9c9<>4
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/41 nodes): R1C1.6 on ==> R6C4.6 both on & off: r1c1<>6
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/39 nodes): R9C1.6 on ==> R7C6.6 both on & off: r9c1<>6
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/13 nodes): R8C3.6 on ==> R7C7.6 both on & off: r8c3<>6
7.9, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/16 nodes): R5C2.6 on ==> R9C7.6 both on & off: r5c2<>6
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/43 nodes): R3C3.3 on ==> R6C5.3 both on & off: r3c3<>3
8.2, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/42 nodes): R3C6.3 on ==> R8C4.3 both on & off: r3c6<>3
2.3, Naked Single: R3C6: 5, r3c6=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C9: 5 in row, r2c9=5
2.6, Pointing: Cells R5C1,R6C1,R7C1,R8C1,R9C1: 5 in cage and column: r1c1<>5
2.6, Pointing: Cells R1C2,R1C3,R1C4,R1C5: 5 in cage and row: r1c8<>5
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C1,R2C2,R2C3,R2C5: 6 in row and cage: r3c4<>6
2.8, Claiming: Cells R4C2,R4C3: 5 in row and cage: r5c2<>5, r7c2<>5, r8c2<>5, r6c3<>5, r6c4<>5, r9c2<>5
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R7C3,R7C4,R8C3,R8C4: 5 in windoku: r9c4<>5
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R5C8,R6C7,R6C8: 5 in cage: r8c8<>5
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C5: 5 in antidiagonal(\), r5c5=5
2.6, Pointing: Cells R6C7,R6C8: 5 in cage and row: r6c1<>5
2.8, Claiming: Cells R6C7,R6C8: 5 in row and windoku: r8c7<>5
2.6, Pointing: Cells R7C4,R8C4: 5 in cage and column: r1c4<>5
2.8, Claiming: Cells R7C4,R8C4: 5 in column and windoku: r8c3<>5
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C8,R3C7,R4C6: 4 in diagonal(/) and windoku: r4c7<>4, r3c8<>4
2.8, Claiming: Cells R6C4,R7C3,R8C2: 6 in diagonal(/) and windoku: r7c2<>6, r6c3<>6
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C2,R3C3,R4C4: 8 in antidiagonal(\) and windoku: r3c4<>8, r2c3<>8
2.8, Claiming: Cells R6C6,R7C7,R8C8: 2 in antidiagonal(\) and windoku: r7c6<>2, r8c7<>2
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C4,R5C4,R6C4,R9C4: 6 in column: r9c2<>6
2.8, Claiming: Cells R9C4,R9C5,R9C6,R9C7: 6 in row and cage: r7c3<>6
5.0, Naked Quad: Cells R1C1,R1C9,R9C1,R9C9: 1,3,7,9 in windoku: r5c1<>3,7,9, r1c5<>1,7,9, r5c9<>1,3,7, r9c5<>1,3,9
2.8, Claiming: Cells R1C1,R9C1: 9 in windoku and column: r2c1<>9, r4c1<>9
2.8, Claiming: Cells R1C9,R9C9: 1 in windoku and column: r6c9<>1, r8c9<>1
2.8, Claiming: Cells R1C1,R1C9: 7 in windoku and row: r1c6<>7, r1c8<>7
2.8, Claiming: Cells R9C1,R9C9: 3 in windoku and row: r9c2<>3, r9c4<>3
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C9,R9C9: 1 in windoku: r7c3<>1, r7c7<>1
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R9C1,R9C9: 3 in windoku: r7c3<>3
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C1,R1C9: 7 in windoku: r3c7<>7, r7c7<>7
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C1,R9C1: 9 in windoku: r3c7<>9, r3c3<>9
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C1,R2C7: 7 in cage: r2c2<>7, r2c1<>7
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R1C9,R7C8: 1 in cage: r2c8<>1, r1c8<>1
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R3C2,R9C1: 9 in cage: r8c2<>9, r9c2<>9
2.9, Generalized Intersection: Cells R8C3,R9C9: 3 in cage: r8c8<>3, r8c9<>3
7.5, Aligned Triplet Exclusion: R1C3,R3C7,R7C7: r1c3<>8
7.5, Aligned Triplet Exclusion: R3C3,R9C7,R3C7: r9c7<>2
7.8, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/9 nodes): R2C8.3 on ==> R6C9.3 both on & off: r2c8<>3
2.8, Claiming: Cells R2C1,R2C2,R2C3,R2C5,R2C6: 3 in row and cage: r3c4<>3, r4c4<>3
7.8, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/9 nodes): R7C1.3 on ==> R4C9.3 both on & off: r7c1<>3
7.8, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/9 nodes): R7C2.3 on ==> R6C9.3 both on & off: r7c2<>3
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/7 nodes): R6C6.3 on ==> R5C4.3 both on & off: r6c6<>3
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/7 nodes): R4C2.3 on ==> R9C1.3 both on & off: r4c2<>3
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/7 nodes): R3C9.3 on ==> R9C1.3 both on & off: r3c9<>3
7.7, Nishio Forcing Chain (w/8 nodes): R8C3.3 on ==> R5C4.3 both on & off: r8c3<>3
1.2, Hidden Single: R9C9: 3 in cage, r9c9=3
1.5, Hidden Single: R1C9: 1 in windoku, r1c9=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R1C1: 7 in windoku, r1c1=7
1.5, Hidden Single: R9C1: 9 in windoku, r9c1=9
1.2, Hidden Single: R2C7: 1 in cage, r2c7=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R7C8: 3 in cage, r7c8=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C6: 3 in cage, r4c6=3
1.2, Hidden Single: R4C4: 1 in cage, r4c4=1
1.2, Hidden Single: R3C2: 7 in cage, r3c2=7
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C3: 3 in windoku, r2c3=3
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C4: 3 in windoku, r8c4=3
1.5, Hidden Single: R7C4: 5 in windoku, r7c4=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C4: 7 in windoku, r6c4=7
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C2: 6 in windoku, r8c2=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R3C3: 6 in windoku, r3c3=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R3C4: 4 in windoku, r3c4=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C2: 8 in windoku, r2c2=8
1.5, Hidden Single: R4C2: 9 in windoku, r4c2=9
1.0, Hidden Single: R4C3: 5 in windoku, r4c3=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C8: 4 in windoku, r2c8=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C3: 9 in windoku, r8c3=9
1.5, Hidden Single: R7C6: 6 in windoku, r7c6=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C8: 1 in windoku, r6c8=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R7C2: 1 in windoku, r7c2=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C7: 5 in windoku, r6c7=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C7: 7 in windoku, r8c7=7
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C6: 7 in windoku, r2c6=7
1.5, Hidden Single: R3C8: 9 in windoku, r3c8=9
1.5, Hidden Single: R7C7: 4 in windoku, r7c7=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C6: 9 in windoku, r6c6=9
1.0, Hidden Single: R8C8: 2 in windoku, r8c8=2
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C3: 1 in windoku, r5c3=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C2: 3 in windoku, r5c2=3
1.5, Hidden Single: R1C3: 4 in windoku, r1c3=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R1C2: 5 in windoku, r1c2=5
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C2: 2 in column, r9c2=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R6C3: 8 in cage, r6c3=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R7C3: 2 in windoku, r7c3=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R3C7: 8 in diagonal(/), r3c7=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R4C7: 2 in windoku, r4c7=2
1.5, Hidden Single: R9C6: 1 in windoku, r9c6=1
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C6: 4 in windoku, r5c6=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R1C6: 2 in column, r1c6=2
1.5, Hidden Single: R9C8: 5 in windoku, r9c8=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C8: 7 in windoku, r5c8=7
1.0, Hidden Single: R1C8: 8 in cage, r1c8=8
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C7: 9 in windoku, r5c7=9
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C7: 6 in windoku, r9c7=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R1C4: 9 in windoku, r1c4=9
1.0, Hidden Single: R1C5: 6 in cage, r1c5=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R5C4: 6 in windoku, r5c4=6
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C4: 8 in windoku, r9c4=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R9C5: 4 in cage, r9c5=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R3C5: 3 in windoku, r3c5=3
1.0, Hidden Single: R3C9: 2 in row, r3c9=2
1.5, Hidden Single: R4C1: 4 in windoku, r4c1=4
1.5, Hidden Single: R2C1: 6 in windoku, r2c1=6
1.0, Hidden Single: R2C5: 9 in cage, r2c5=9
1.5, Hidden Single: R8C5: 1 in windoku, r8c5=1
1.0, Hidden Single: R8C9: 4 in cage, r8c9=4
1.0, Hidden Single: R8C1: 5 in row, r8c1=5
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C1: 3 in windoku, r6c1=3
1.5, Hidden Single: R6C5: 2 in windoku, r6c5=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R6C9: 6 in row, r6c9=6
1.5, Hidden Single: R7C5: 7 in windoku, r7c5=7
1.0, Hidden Single: R7C1: 8 in windoku, r7c1=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R5C1: 2 in cage, r5c1=2
1.0, Hidden Single: R5C9: 8 in windoku, r5c9=8
1.0, Hidden Single: R4C9: 7 in cage, r4c9=7
1.0, Hidden Single: R4C5: 8 in windoku, r4c5=8
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Joined: 04 April 2018

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