Hardest sudoku jigsaws (JS) - ED=11.x

For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants

Re: Hardest sudoku jigsaws (JS) - ED=11.x

Postby urhegyi » Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:10 pm

Code: Select all

Consider the last example of the JSWX I posted. I has a unique solution. Now consider the JSX without the windoku windows. Because the JSWX has one solution the JSX must have multiple solutions.
Result of program version before 1 feb: ok
Code: Select all
This Sudoku Jigsaw is not valid
This Sudoku Jigsaw has multiple solutions. Two different possible solutions can be viewed by selecting the "View 1" or the "View 2" under the grid. The solutions are highlighted in orange.

Result of program version of 2 feb : nok
Code: Select all
This Sudoku Jigsaw is not valid
This Sudoku Jigsaw has no solution.

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Re: Hardest sudoku jigsaws (JS) - ED=11.x

Postby Mathimagics » Sat Oct 23, 2021 1:01 am

My current work on Jigsaw Layouts confirms the existence of 8x8 ED=12.x puzzles (my thanks to 1to9only for enabling this to be rated):

Code: Select all
.....1.......2.......3.......4.......5.......6.......7.......8.. #  ED=12.4/12.4/2.6

These were discovered by looking at XJL's (JL's that have only one solution grid), and testing all the 8-clue puzzles corresponding to a fixed row/column/region.

If they exist for 8x8 jigsaw's, they are almost certainly going to be found for 9x9 ...
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Re: Hardest sudoku jigsaws (JS) - ED=11.x

Postby Mathimagics » Sat Oct 23, 2021 5:29 pm

Found a 9x9 example:
Code: Select all
......7....3.............8..............5.........6...1...........4......2....... 111111123144552223145522663445226633455266337456668397458888397488999997889977777  ED=12.3/12.3/2.6
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Re: Hardest sudoku jigsaws (JS) - ED=11.x

Postby Mathimagics » Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:12 pm

With the (pre-) release of Sukaku Explainer (26.10.2021), many of the ratings for puzzles in this thread prove to be somewhat lower than originally reported.

This list of the puzzles in the first two posts shows the original (JE) ratings, followed by the ratings given by SE. The table lists the JL (jigsaw layout) first, followed by the puzzles tagged with the original JE rating, followed by the SE rating. Many of the 11.x puzzles lose their 11.x status.

Code: Select all
Bob H:
.3..4..7..5.........8.........4....9...5....31............8.....9...7..65........ ED=11.5/11.5/2.6  11.4/11.4/2.8

..89.....1....6.....2...74.......2......6......................4.....8..3........ ED=11.4/11.4/7.7  11.0/11.0/7.7
...9...46.2......8...56..............................42...9....13........4....6.2 ED=11.3/ 1.7/1.7  10.1/ 1.9/1.9
.........6.....7.....4.....7......5............2......5......2..6...8.1.873...... ED=11.2/ 1.5/1.5  10.8/ 1.5/1.5

.....6...........5.....9.2..1......7.3...1..4..8...9...7.......4........2........ ED=11.4/ 2.8/2.6  11.4/ 2.8/2.8
8..3.....7.........7.6....4........23................9..5.....................475 ED=11.1/ 1.2/1.2  10.5/ 1.5/1.5

..4..97...1.........9.....7.2...........4......5.62.7........8.6......5....1....3 ED=11.3/11.3/2.6  11.3/11.3/2.8

..4...7.....4..2.....5..............6..................1.9..6.....1..3........... ED=11.5/ 8.0/2.6  11.3/ 8.0/2.8
....3...............2..............5.........7..5.2.......1.4..96............1... ED=11.3/ 8.3/2.6  10.8/ 8.3/2.8
......2.......2..8.....6...........9......4.............5..3....9.1.............3 ED=11.3/ 1.2/1.2  10.1/ 1.5/1.5
...........9...............3....4...................8...2.........2......8.5..61. ED=11.1/11.1/2.6  10.0/10.0/2.8
................1..7.....2.......3..1....54.....1..................6.8..........5 ED=11.1/ 7.7/2.6  10.0/ 7.7/2.8
...........2.....9................3........2.75.........9..6...........4..8...... ED=11.0/ 8.4/2.6   9.9/ 8.4/2.8
...9.16............4.......1.........76..93...............8............6.....5... ED=11.0/ 7.7/2.6  10.0/ 7.7/2.8
......4.........1..6..8....2........3.......9........1....5.8...............3.... ED=11.0/ 7.7/2.6   9.8/ 2.9/2.8
....85...3...............51.9.........................42...........2....6.....3.. ED=11.0/ 1.2/1.2   9.9/ 1.5/1.5

........4...3...687.......1......5..2........8...1...5..........36.8.1...2....... ED=11.2/ 1.5/1.5  10.6/ 1.5/1.5

Bob H, Debbie Scott:
....6................4...7....6....7....8.1...3......6..........1..4..2......8.5. ED=11.9/11.9/2.6  11.8/11.8/2.8

My 12.3 puzzle is still 12.x, but is now rated 12.2. No other 12.x puzzles have been found AFAIK.

Code: Select all
......7....3.............8..............5.........6...1...........4......2....... ED=12.3/12.3/2.6 12.2/12.2/2.8
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Re: Hardest sudoku jigsaws (JS) - ED=11.x

Postby urhegyi » Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:35 pm

After having a closer look at Mathimagics 12.x JS below:

My 12.3 puzzle is still 12.x, but is now rated 12.2. No other 12.x puzzles have been found AFAIK.

Code: Select all
......7....3.............8..............5.........6...1...........4......2....... ED=12.3/12.3/2.6 12.2/12.2/2.8

I found today an even higher rated JSX:
Code: Select all
.............6..............7.......3......45.......1..............8........2.... 111113222117133322717633322777636325787666525784646555884446595884449599888499999 JSX ED=12.6/12.6/2.8

They both contain the digits 1 to 8 only once and the digit 9 is missing.
After this I discovered an even harder one:
Code: Select all
...................74......5......8....3.............2..9.............1.......... 111113222117133322717633322777636325787666525784646555884446595884449599888499999 JSX ED=12.6/12.6/7.9
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