enxio27 wrote:I now have champagne's compilation of gridchecker for AMD processor, and I have been able to get it to run.
Since I don't know what Champagne did with the code, it can or cannot work for the patterns game.
The easiest way is to try. If it doesn't work, you should compile (or ask Champagne to port to MS compiler and compile for you) the recent version.
enxio27 wrote:What command-line options do you recommend for this?
Gridchecker is a command line tool. You should open one or more consoles and work there.
A brief list of the commands is listed when you run the tool without any command line parameters.
However, there are command combinations that still work but aren't listed properly on this screen.
So, I would recommend doing the following steps, with example from the recent pattern game 295.
1) create an empty directory and copy the tool there. Assume the executable is named gridchecker.exe. I am naming the directories to match the game number.
2) create a startup file with one or more puzzles for this particular game. A valid startup file would be the initial puzzle, in our example the 2.0/1.2/1.2 puzzle by Pat, copied from Patterns game results page.
echo "090080070008100003000000000400002000050090001003500020602300010010040002007005000" > 03) run gridchecker with the following command line
gridchecker --verbose --pattern --pg 3,0,120,0,120,0,120,3,1 < 0 > 1This does:
- use file named "0" as input
- write results to file named "1"
- apply {-3,+3} to the filtered input puzzles (the first 3 after --pg)
- filter puzzles that have ER between 0.0 and 12.0 (the first pair 0,120) AND EP between 0..12 (the second pair 0,120) AND ED between 0..12 (the third pair 0,120)
- do maximum of 3 passes (the 3 after the filter pairs)
- ignore puzzles staring with single (last number, 0=don't ignore, 1=ignore)
The progress is displayed on the screen, something like this
- Code: Select all
gridchecker --verbose --pattern --pg 3,0,120,0,120,0,120,3,1 < 0 > 1
Automorphism level 2
1 puzzles loaded
Relabel 3, 3 passes left, processing 1 items
Relabel 3, 2 passes left, processing 5 items
Relabel 3, 1 passes left, processing 160 items
6856 puzzles done
Total time 664.106 seconds.
4) investigate the generated puzzles. While the files are small, you can use textual editor (and prefer file names suffixed with .txt)
In this example 6855 new puzzles are generated + the original 1 = 6856.
This is how the result file 1 looks like
- Code: Select all
.1..2..3...21....4.........1....5....3..6...2..74...8.4.17...9..8..9...6..5..3... ED=8.5/2.3/2.3 0 0 ED=0.0/0.0/0.0
.1..2..3...21....4.........1....5....6..3...7..47...8.9.12...4..4..7...3..5..6... ED=7.3/7.2/2.6 0 0 ED=0.0/0.0/0.0
....<other puzzles in the same format>...
.1..2..3...45....6.........7....8....9..1...5..64...2.8.96...1..5..4...9..3..7... ED=8.5/8.5/3.4 0 0 ED=0.0/0.0/0.0
.1..2..3...45....6.........7....8....9..1...5..69...4.8.96...1..5..7...2..7..9... ED=7.1/7.1/3.4 0 0 ED=0.0/0.0/0.0
Useful commands, not related to gridchecker, are
4.1) List the count of puzzles per ED
cat 1 | cut -f2 -d" "|cut -f2 -d= |cut -f3 -d"/" | sort -n|uniq -coutput
- Code: Select all
102 1.2
2 1.5
535 2.0
1615 2.3
259 2.5
1927 2.6
126 2.8
374 3.0
23 3.2
1562 3.4
10 3.6
10 4.2
10 4.4
67 6.6
24 6.7
1 7.0
87 7.1
46 7.2
4 7.3
2 7.4
1 7.5
2 7.6
38 7.8
2 8.2
11 8.3
6 8.4
1 8.5
1 8.8
4 8.9
4 9.0
4.2) List the count of puzzles per ER
cat 1 | cut -f2 -d" "|cut -f2 -d= |cut -f1 -d"/" | sort -n|uniq -coutput
- Code: Select all
88 2.0
30 2.3
31 2.5
17 2.6
14 2.8
120 3.0
6 3.2
165 3.4
20 3.6
1 3.8
87 4.2
19 4.4
26 4.5
2 4.6
1 5.0
8 5.6
235 6.6
205 6.7
12 6.8
13 6.9
28 7.0
897 7.1
1310 7.2
695 7.3
42 7.4
25 7.5
77 7.6
122 7.7
85 7.8
3 7.9
1 8.0
57 8.2
732 8.3
708 8.4
286 8.5
36 8.6
37 8.7
176 8.8
233 8.9
182 9.0
18 9.1
5 9.2
1 9.3
So, after this step you have 4 puzzles rated x/y/9.0.
Not shown in the example, but they are 3 x 9.0/9.0/9.0 and 1 x 9.1/9.1/9.0
5) make decisions how to continue - define a filter and continue generation. A next step could be addition of ED filter >= 9.0.
gridchecker --verbose --pattern --pg 3,0,120,0,120,90,120,3,1 < 1 > 2After seeing few more x/y/9.0 appeared and the generation was exhausted before the requested 3 passes, you may decide to relax the filter and continue with ED >= 8.8
gridchecker --verbose --pattern --pg 3,0,120,0,120,88,120,3,1 < 2 > 3and see that on third generation in less than 10 minutes you have in hands this puzzle
- Code: Select all
.1..2..3...43....5.........6....7....4..5...8..59...4.7.95...1..8..1...2..1..6... ED=9.5/9.5/9.5 3 0 ED=0.0/0.0/0.0
6) while waiting for the generation to finish, manually extract and re-rate the selected for submission puzzles using serate.
This looks sufficient for a first lesson.
Let see whether your port of gridchecker supports this command and we can continue latter.