Hi, Mladen!
I tried to use GridChecker for
patterns canonicalization, but didn't managed to do it. Maybe I use your tool incorrectly. Please, help me.
Input file contains patterns in linear form, "." symbol denotes empty cell, "1" symbol denotes cell containing clue. I need to get output file with sorted canonicalized patterns without duplicates (duplicates must be removed). I use command line:
gridchecker --similar --subcanon --puzzles input.txt --mspuzzles output.txt
GridChecker works fine unless input file contains pattern with 81 clues:
- Code: Select all
If input file contain this pattern, GridChecker crashes (v. 1.15) or hangs (v. 1.19) - checked for Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit. Problem is reproduced even input file contains problem pattern alone.