FRINGE TV series

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FRINGE TV series

Postby Pupp » Sat Oct 10, 2020 4:52 pm

I found a Fringe Complete Series Box Set in Blu-ray at a thrift store. -The lady at the counter said it was put out less than 5 minutes earlier. :lol:
For $20 I figure it was worth it, and if I didn't like it, I could just re-donate the box set.

Interesting program. I understood it's science fiction along the lines of Twilight Zone, X-files, etc... since it mentions on the box about "time travel", "parallel universes", "Paranormal", etc.

So I watched the first episode. I wasn't too happy it was a double episode though, I ended up watching half of it yesterday and the other half this morning, since I didn't start watching until nearly 11pm. It was interesting at first. They didn't waste time gearing up a plot that had zero basis in reality. For the most part it was interesting in the beginning and for most of the episode, considering it's outlandish sci-fi....

...but the plot got REALLY GOOD by the time the episode ended. It's definitely a soap opera style series, where one episode bleeds into the next, which is the types of series I like.

I was rather disappointed by the CGI though, considering the series didn't start until 2008, but the CGI just manages to be good enough be digestible. They did take care to use much better CGI for certain elements though. The cheesy CGI has it's limits.

All I can say is, that if you don't like watching TV shows along the lines of Twilight Zone, Lost, or X-Files, you would hate Fringe.
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Re: FRINGE TV series

Postby mith » Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:50 pm

Well worth sticking with, it's a great series.
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Re: FRINGE TV series

Postby Zitmet » Sat Dec 12, 2020 8:19 pm

They didn't waste time gearing up a plot that had zero basis in reality.
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