Final 4

Anything goes, but keep it seemly...

Final 4

Postby caliboywestcoast » Tue May 15, 2007 7:27 pm

I see Pistons closing out tonight and same with the jazz but the phoniex and spurs series going 7 cause there are great teams but phoniex come out to the final 4 becuase they have home court
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Joined: 14 May 2007

Postby udosuk » Wed May 16, 2007 8:27 am

The Pistons couldn't close out, and the Suns without Amare and Diaw are likely to lose game 5 at home and game 6 in SA now. I voted for the Spurs because no other team is as smart and dirty as them. The Jazz might be equally dirty, but not as smart. At the moment, I'll tip the Finals as Spurs vs Cavs, with Spurs winning in 5 (and Lebron to be crippled in game 2).
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Postby caliboywestcoast » Wed May 16, 2007 7:30 pm

now seeing STAT and Diaw getting suspended for some dumb rule and now we know how powerful stern is when deceiding who to choose to win the series beacuse we would all know the suns would of won that series in game 7 back at home. Im not so worried about the Piston and bulls game cause the bulls cant really win 4 game in a row i know they need now two more but the piston just need one
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