Son of Pappocom in here wrote:Hi folks,
Well, it's been an eventful two and a half years. Despite the odd hiccup on our part, you have collectively established the most intelligent Sudoku forum to be found anywhere. Wayne fondly recalls watching a thread in the early days wherein the x-wing technique was excitedly discovered. The level of discussion since then has only become more sophisticated, and rare is the thread nowadays that doesn't make our heads spin.
But now we're handing over the reins. and these forums will endure, but not on our servers. We have every confidence that their new home will grant the kind of resources and opportunities that we could never have provided.
Sudoku the program, of course, will be unaffected (aside from having a shiny new website). For anything program-related, you will be able to find us at
Thanks so much to all of you.
Wayne & Scott Gould
Wayne & Scott Gould are the creators of this forum/domain, and they'll forever be admired and respected by this community, in the highest regard. However, they are no longer associated with this webspace, and same goes for their products. Therefore all questions/issues about the Pappocom software and products are no longer appropriate to be addressed in here. Please direct all these queries to the following website:
Thanks for the co-operation.

udosuk (mod)