Okay, let's get things into perspective regarding the 11 doubly-symmetrical puzzles posted by
Two of them (1,2) have band/stack-permutation symmetry plus 180-degree-rotation symmetry
Four of them (3,8,9,10) have block-(diagonal-)permutation symmetry plus diagonal-reflection symmetry
Five of them (4,5,6,7,11) have block-(diagonal-)permutation symmetry plus 180-degree-rotation symmetry
The first 2 groups are all very easy to solve, as in the following summary:
Puzzle 1 - solvable by gludo+naked pairs
Puzzle 2 - solvable by gludo+naked pairs
Puzzle 3 - solvable by diagonal placements+singles
Puzzle 8 - solvable by triples or diagonal placements+naked singles
Puzzle 9 - solvable by diagonal placements+naked pairs
Puzzle 10 - solvable by naked pairs or diagonal placements+singles
However, the 3rd group (of 5 puzzles) are all quite tricky, as we have not (yet) developed any powerful technique for "block symmetry" that's comparable to gludo. Here I'll list out my solution paths for each of them, in ascending order of their difficulties (as perceived by me):
- Code: Select all
Puzzle 5:
| 689 569 1 | 3 26789 2789 | 4 5789 57 |
| 34689 34569 35679 | 468 1 4789 | 5789 2 357 |
| 2 349 379 | 48 4789 5 | 1789 13789 6 |
| 5 1349 39 | 148 489 6 | 2 13478 1347 |
| 1349 7 239 | 12458 24589 23489 | 158 6 1345 |
| 1346 12346 8 | 7 245 234 | 15 1345 9 |
| 7 12356 2356 | 9 2456 24 | 156 145 8 |
| 169 8 2569 | 2456 3 247 | 15679 14579 12457 |
| 69 2569 4 | 2568 25678 1 | 3 579 257 |
GSP (Gurth's Symmetrical Placement): r5c5=4
BkS (Block Symmetry): r8c8=5, r2c2=9
Now r1c2 from {56} & r1c9 from {57} must have 6 or 7
=> r1c1+r9c9 can't be [67], must be [82]
BkS: r3c3+r4c4+r6c6+r7c7=[7136]
Naked Pair @ c2: r34c2={34}
All singles from here.
- Code: Select all
Puzzle 6:
| 179 169 3 | 2 5789 79 | 4 56789 5678 |
| 479 469 689 | 34578 1 3479 | 5689 2 35678 |
| 5 249 289 | 3478 34789 6 | 89 3789 1 |
| 8 12369 1269 | 346 234 5 | 7 1369 36 |
| 1239 7 12569 | 368 238 123 | 15689 4 3568 |
| 13 1356 4 | 9 378 137 | 1568 13568 2 |
| 6 2345 25 | 1 23457 2347 | 258 578 9 |
| 12349 8 1259 | 3457 6 23479 | 125 157 457 |
| 1249 12459 7 | 45 2459 8 | 3 156 456 |
GSP: r5c5=3
BkS: r8c8=5, r2c2=9
SPP (Symmetrical Pointing Pair): r3c3+r7c7={28} => r3c7=9
BkS: r6c1=3, r9c4=5
Hidden Single @ b2: r1c5=5
SPP: r2c1+r8c9={47} => r8c1<>4
BkS: r2c4<>8, r5c7<>1
Intersection: 8 @ r3,b2 locked @ r3c45
All singles from here.
- Code: Select all
Puzzle 11:
| 5689 569 1 | 3 26789 2789 | 4 5789 79 |
| 35689 34569 34679 | 689 1 4789 | 5789 2 379 |
| 2 349 3479 | 89 4789 5 | 1789 13789 6 |
| 4 1359 39 | 1589 589 6 | 2 13789 1379 |
| 1359 7 239 | 12589 24589 23489 | 189 6 1349 |
| 1369 12369 8 | 7 249 2349 | 19 1349 5 |
| 7 12369 2369 | 4 2569 29 | 1569 159 8 |
| 169 8 2469 | 2569 3 279 | 15679 14579 12479 |
| 69 2469 5 | 2689 26789 1 | 3 479 2479 |
GSP: r5c5=9
BkS: r8c8=9, r2c2=9
BkS: r2c4+r5c7+r8c1={168} => 1 locked @ r5c7+r8c1
Also 1 @ c9 locked @ r458c9
Grouped Turbot Fish: r8c19 can't be both 1
=> At least one of r45c9+r5c7 must be 1
=> r4c8+r7c78, seeing r45c9+r5c7, can't have 1
Intersection: 1 @ r6,b4 locked @ r6c12
Naked Pair @ b4: r4c2+r5c1={35} => r5c3=2
BkS: r8c6=7, r2c9=3
All singles from here.
- Code: Select all
Puzzle 7:
| 16789 169 3 | 579 2 57 | 568 56789 4 |
| 6789 469 4789 | 34579 34789 1 | 2 56789 35689 |
| 5 249 24789 | 6 34789 347 | 38 1 389 |
| 129 12459 6 | 24579 479 8 | 145 3 15 |
| 3 12459 12489 | 2459 469 2456 | 14568 24568 7 |
| 28 7 248 | 1 346 23456 | 9 24568 568 |
| 167 8 17 | 347 13467 9 | 13456 456 2 |
| 12679 12369 5 | 8 13467 23467 | 1346 469 1369 |
| 4 12369 129 | 23 5 236 | 7 689 13689 |
GSP: r5c5=4
BkS: r8c8=6, r2c2=9
BkS: r3c7+r6c1+r9c4={238} => 2 locked @ r6c1+r9c4
Also 2 @ c8,b6 locked @ r56c8
Turbot Fish: r6c18 can't be both 2
=> At least one of r5c8+r9c4 must be 2
=> r5c4, seeing r5c8+r9c4, can't be 2
XYZ-wing: r1c4 from {579}, r1c6 from {57}, r5c4 from {59}
=> r1c6+r25c4 can't be [759]
=> r2c4, seeing r1c46+r5c4, can't be 5
Intersection: 5 @ r1,b2 locked @ r1c46
Now 5 @ r2,b3 locked @ r2c89
Also 5 @ c2,b4 locked @ r45c2
Turbot Fish: r2c8+r5c2 can't be both 5 (BkS)
=> At least one of r2c9+r4c2 must be 5
=> r4c9, seeing r2c9+r4c2, can't be 5, must be 1
Intersection: 1 @ r9,b7 locked @ r9c23
All singles from here.
- Code: Select all
Puzzle 4:
| 589 579 1 | 3 256789 26789 | 4 6789 69 |
| 34589 34579 34567 | 578 1 6789 | 6789 2 369 |
| 2 379 367 | 78 6789 4 | 16789 136789 5 |
| 7 1349 34 | 148 489 5 | 2 134689 13469 |
| 1349 6 234 | 12478 24789 23789 | 189 5 1349 |
| 13459 123459 8 | 6 249 239 | 19 1349 7 |
| 6 123457 23457 | 9 2457 27 | 157 147 8 |
| 145 8 2457 | 2457 3 267 | 15679 14679 12469 |
| 45 2457 9 | 24578 245678 1 | 3 467 246 |
(Quick and dirty path)
Grouped Turbot Chain: 1 @ c9 locked @ r458c9
=> r6c78 & r8c1 can't both have 1
Now 1 @ r6 locked @ r6c1278 & 1 @ b7 locked @ r7c2+r8c1
=> At least one of r6c12+r7c2 must have 1
=> r4c2, seeing r6c12+r7c2, can't be 1
180 Symmetry: r6c8 can't be 3
BkS: r9c2 can't be 2
Hidden Pair @ c2: r67c2={12}
All singles from here.
For #4 there ought to be a more elegant way to crack it (I hate anything associated with the word "chain"), but I don't have time to dig deep now. Good luck to whoever trying it (
PS: Wholehearted regards for
Glyn's mum who has encountered a little mishap recently. Fingers crossed for a great recovery!
Added later:
Here is an alternative path for #4:
GSP: r5c5=7
BkS: r8c8=9, r2c2=4
Now 2 @ c4 locked @ r589c4
=> r5c3+r7c6 can't both be 2
BkS: r5c3+r78c6 can't be [226]
=> r78c6 can't be [26], must have 7
=> 7 @ c6,b8 locked @ r78c6
X-wing: 7 @ c28 locked @ r19c28
Again, 2 @ c4 locked @ r589c4
=> r5c3+r7c5 can't both be 2
BkS: r4c23+r5c3+r7c5 can't be [3422]
=> r4c2 can't be 3
Now r3c2 from {39}, r4c2 from {19}
HEUR (Half Emerald Unlocking Rectangle): r37c2 can't be [31]
=> r347c2 can't be [391]
=> r7c2 can't be 1
Hidden Single @ b7: r8c1=1
Intersection: 1 @ c9,b6 locked @ r45c9
All singles from here.
It is not necessarily more elegant than the "quick and dirty path", but for me the critical moves are somehow easier to spot.