In the past there was a radio program call - Animal; Vegetable; Mineral.
Everything you can think of, was classified under these three titles.
This thread is concerned with everything in the Mineral classification.
"Does everything have a name".
Those little or maybe not so little things in everyday life that you may have or may not have wondered 'I wonder what that is called'.
For example:
The dot or mark over the lower case 'i' is called a 'Tittle', or
that the little piece of plastic at the end of shoe-laces is called an 'Aglet'.
Something under the general name of 'Hole' may have a more specific name, such as the hole in a needle is called an 'eye'.
So, is there something you either know the name of that you'd like to share with us, or you don't know the name of but would like to?
If nobody here can come up with a name for any un-named items may be we could invent a name for it.
Over to you then, all are welcome