1to9only wrote:After singles, my modified SE shows a UR type 4 (above image), and a turbot fish follows (ED=6.6/1.2/1.2).
I think SukakuExplainer 1.17.11 solves this differently.
What I did was take R6C7 as 5 which eliminates 5 from R8C78(in window)so R8C9 must be 5 and R2C9 can't be 5 and R2C1 must be 5.
This leads to R1C3 must be 4 and eliminates 4 from R1C67(pair 1/6) and gives R1C7 =5 which is in contradiction with R6C7=5, so r6c7 must be 8!
This eliminates 8 from R8C78 so R8C9 must be 8 and R3C9 can't be 8 =(2/4).
So I found an xy-wing R4c1=(2/8), R4C2=(4/8) and R3C9=(2/4).
When I take R3c9=2 then R3C78 can't be 2 and R4C8 must be 2(in window).
This leads to R4C1=8 and R4C2=4.
In the other case R3C9=4. So R3c9 must be 4 or R4C2 must be 4, or both.R3C2 and R4C9 which can see both begin and endpoints can't be 4.
With that the rest solves with singles.