December 22, 2014

Post puzzles for others to solve here.

Re: December 22, 2014

Postby SteveG48 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:51 pm

gurth wrote:A general comment on methods used here:
I always make sure I do not catch any glimpse of solutions posted before mine. Those solutions do not concern me at all before I post my solution. If it is the same as a previous one, that is of interest, and no tragedy.
But after posting, I study the methods used by the others.
I am NOT implying that I think others should do as I do; I am merely casting light on my way of thinking.

I like to do things pretty much the same way. However, if someone has posted before I've even started, I'll peak at the eliminations that have resulted and try to head in a different direction.

As for fish, I gave up trying to understand them long ago.

I'm a lousy angler. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never land an exotic fish.
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