I added band classes to my solver but relabeled them to row-min-lex order counting from 1
- Code: Select all
lists the band class index 6-tuple with each 3-tuple sorted
- Code: Select all
lists the row-min-lex canonical bands, each 3 tuple sorted, with leading 12345678945 omitted
- Code: Select all
lists the index row-min-lex band, one per line, from 001 to 416 (for each input puzzle, goofy I know, you get what you pay for)
the 6-tuple classifier, as noted, has holes
it shows only 34103 puzzle classes in gordon's catalog
- Code: Select all
sudoku -c2 -f%#bc sudoku17-2007-01-22.can | sort -u | wc -l
one class 014,022,168,176,378,381 had 29 representative grids
- Code: Select all
sudoku -c2 -f%#bc sudoku17-2007-01-22.can | sort | uniq -d -c | sort -n | tail -1
its ~1/2 as fast as index416 but fits in with the min-lex discussion