Smythe Dakota wrote:This H puzzle was a lot easier than that other M puzzle you guys pointed out.
Yes. And it is decomposable, in the sense I've already discussed: each of the w, e, nw, ne and se sub-puzzles can easily be solved (by whips[2]) completely independently of the rest (this is not true of the sw sub-puzzle). Taking these partial results into account, the rest can easily be solved by g-whips[3].
However, if one ignores surface sums, it is in W10, which is hard.
It is thus an interesting example of how using surface sums (in the relatively rare cases when they are available) can drastically simplify a puzzle.
If you liked it, try also H83732 (similar pattern).
It seems that the atk generator creates a pattern of black cells and tries to fill it with different combinations of clues (sometimes after rotation or up/down symmetry). So there may be similar other cases between H83722 and H83732 (I didn't check).