Can someone solve my first sudoku?

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Can someone solve my first sudoku?

Postby gifmenger » Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:32 pm


I had an idea for a sudoku. I don't know if it's solvable (I think it is). My own solving-skills are not good enough to know for sure. Can someone solve it to be sure?

The rules:
Normal Sudoku rules apply. All horizontal and vertical thermometers with 3 or more squares are given. The blue thermometers are the same as the grey ones, but they start within another thermometer. So they are separate from the thermometer they are in.

I'm new on this forum. So tips and tricks for creating (and solving) sudokus are welcome.
Posts: 4
Joined: 09 August 2021

Re: Can someone solve my first sudoku?

Postby shye » Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:24 am

for variants u can use the designated board sudoku-variants-f12.html
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Re: Can someone solve my first sudoku?

Postby gifmenger » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:34 pm

Ok thank you. Newbie mistake ;)
Posts: 4
Joined: 09 August 2021

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