1. A new Sudoku solving technique allows for sudoku puzzles to be solved even without looking at the game board as demonstrated in this video.....
2. Give the guy some credit, he's doing the solving in his brain.
3. There are many ways to solve a sudoku puzzle, this is very likely a new technique. i love what he does and i will like to learn his technique.
Now that basscom4life has told us he is the solver, all this is clearly flim flam. It's not the puzzle being solved blindfolded in the video but the solution being recalled.
For the puzzle shown this isn't difficult
123 879 654
456 213 987
789 546 321
564 321 798
897 654 132
231 987 465
978 465 213
312 798 546
645 132 879
Note that the same triplets of digits occupy the rows in the boxes and likewise in the columns. It is a version of the 'Most Canonical' Sudoku grid where the digits follow a 'rope' pattern in Braid Analysis terminology. When 'braid' patterns exist two digits repeat together in one diagonal direction and the third digit repeats in the other diagonal direction. By memorising these patterns across and down the grid the contents of any cell can be worked out mentally.
Braid Analysis alone will only solve the simplest of puzzles though so it's not a complete solving technique.