Accounting Sudoku

For fans of Killer Sudoku, Samurai Sudoku and other variants

Accounting Sudoku

Postby HATMAN » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:03 pm

R&B 1, 2, 3, 4

This is essentially a Sukaku but more neatly presented.
Black clues mean the number is in the cell.
Red strike-through clues mean the number is not in the cell.
They are X.
They are Windoku.
Puzzle corrected and three more added; again apologies.
All of medium difficulty: small fishes and some LOL








Last edited by HATMAN on Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby enxio27 » Wed Aug 29, 2018 6:54 pm

Hmmm. . . Interesting concept! So, if I understand correctly, a red number is eliminated from that cell?
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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby creint » Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:19 pm

Pasting the following pencilmark grid in Jsudoku or my solver, results in unsolvable sudoku.

Hidden Text: Show
| 1 456789 456789 | 23789 234568 2346789 | 234568 23456789 234567 |
| 45678 456789 2 | 135789 345689 1346789 | 134568 1345678 1345679 |
| 3 456789 45789 | 125789 24569 1246789 | 124568 12456789 1245679 |
| 9 1235678 135678 | 4 238 2378 | 123568 123567 123567 |
| 24678 1234678 134678 | 13789 238 5 | 123468 1236789 1234679 |
| 24578 1234578 134578 | 6 2389 123789 | 123458 1234578 123579 |
| 24568 1234569 1345689 | 23589 2345689 234689 | 7 123456 12456 |
| 24567 2345679 345679 | 2359 1 23469 | 2356 23456 8 |
| 4568 1234568 134568 | 238 7 2468 | 9 123456 13456 |

Posting the pencilmark grid alongside the picture would help pasting it in solvers.
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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby 1to9only » Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:41 pm

HATMAN wrote:Red strike-through clues mean the number is not in the cell.

There are three red 4's, two of them in box 6 - I'm assuming the 4's should have been struck-though as well!
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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby blue » Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:46 am

The clues in black, are for an X-Windoku puzzle with only two solutions.
The PM grid for the solutions is

Code: Select all
| 1  5   9  | 3  6  7 | 2  8  4 |
| 4  6   2  | 9  5  8 | 3  7  1 |
| 3  7   8  | 1  2  4 | 5  9  6 |
| 9  3   5  | 4  8  1 | 6  2  7 |
| 2  8   6  | 7  9  5 | 1  4  3 |
| 7  14  14 | 6  3  2 | 8  5  9 |
| 5  9   3  | 8  4  6 | 7  1  2 |
| 6  2   7  | 5  1  9 | 4  3  8 |
| 8  14  14 | 2  7  3 | 9  6  5 |

Some of red numbers match cell values that occur in both solutions, and none of them force one solution over the other :(
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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby HATMAN » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:35 pm


Let me try again:

A black clue means that number is in the cell as per standard vanilla Sudoku.

A red clue means the number is not in the call so 6 strike through, means the number is from 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9. Nothing else is directly implied.

The black clues give six solutions. The main problem in building the puzzle with the red clues was of course getting it at a level that would interest this forum.


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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby tarek » Tue Sep 04, 2018 5:38 pm

Hi Maurice,

I too couldn't find a valid solution. Could you check for typos?

The black clues give you 2 solutions (as per blue's) and some of the red clues (e.g. r4c6) invalidates both solutions. Your statement about 6 solutions suggests that there is a typo

I like this representation of this special category of Sukaku. Well done!!!

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Re: Accounting Sudoku

Postby HATMAN » Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:37 pm

tarek et al

Yes a typo apologies; in JSudoku I put the 3 that should be in r3c1 in r3c2

I will work on it over the weekend and re-post by Monday


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