999_Springs wrote:knowing that all 7x7 pandiagonal solution grids are cyclic makes the puzzle (and perhaps all 7x7 pandiagonals) very easy
Yes, that's an easy way to solve it. You could say the same of all the 11x11 grids. Which leads to the conclusion that only 13x13s and above are "interesting". Unfortunately, they are much too large for being really interesting for many manual solvers.
All the 7x7s I've seen are quite easy. It'd be interesting to look for the hardest possible ones (not using cyclicity in the solution).*
This puzzle remains easy even if one doesn't know or want to use cyclicity (basically, one Naked-Pairs):
- Code: Select all
Resolution state after Singles (there are no Singles):
3 1 2457 45 6 457 25
4 56 356 1357 2 1357 1567
1256 7 1245 3456 1345 1456 235
125 2345 1356 124567 457 23567 134567
157 345 1234567 1256 57 234567 123456
1567 3456 12457 23567 135 12456 23457
2567 2456 3567 123457 1345 1235 14567
As in many Pandiags, there are lots of whips[1] at the start (I usually skip this part in my Sudoku answers, but people are not yet used to whips[1] in Pandiags):
- Code: Select all
whip[1]: c5n4{r7 .} ==> r7c2 ≠ 4
whip[1]: c2n4{r6 .} ==> r5c3 ≠ 4
whip[1]: c2n2{r7 .} ==> r7c6 ≠ 2, r4c6 ≠ 2
whip[1]: c6n2{r6 .} ==> r5c7 ≠ 2, r6c7 ≠ 2
whip[1]: a2n2{r7c1 .} ==> r3c1 ≠ 2, r5c3 ≠ 2, r7c4 ≠ 2
whip[1]: a6n2{r6c4 .} ==> r4c4 ≠ 2
whip[1]: c4n2{r6 .} ==> r6c3 ≠ 2
whip[1]: d1n7{r6c3 .} ==> r6c7 ≠ 7
whip[1]: d4n6{r5c7 .} ==> r5c6 ≠ 6
whip[1]: r5n6{c7 .} ==> r2c7 ≠ 6
whip[1]: r2n6{c3 .} ==> r6c6 ≠ 6
whip[1]: a1n6{r7c7 .} ==> r4c7 ≠ 6
whip[1]: c7n6{r7 .} ==> r6c1 ≠ 6, r7c2 ≠ 6
whip[1]: c2n6{r6 .} ==> r4c4 ≠ 6
whip[1]: r4n6{c6 .} ==> r7c3 ≠ 6
whip[1]: r7n6{c7 .} ==> r3c4 ≠ 6
whip[1]: c4n6{r6 .} ==> r5c3 ≠ 6
whip[1]: c5n7{r5 .} ==> r5c6 ≠ 7, r4c4 ≠ 7, r4c6 ≠ 7
whip[1]: r4n7{c7 .} ==> r2c7 ≠ 7
whip[1]: c7n7{r7 .} ==> r7c3 ≠ 7, r7c4 ≠ 7
whip[1]: r7n7{c7 .} ==> r6c1 ≠ 7
whip[1]: r6n7{c4 .} ==> r5c3 ≠ 7
whip[1]: d4n3{r5c7 .} ==> r5c3 ≠ 3
whip[1]: a4n1{r3c6 .} ==> r3c1 ≠ 1
whip[1]: c1n1{r6 .} ==> r5c7 ≠ 1
- Code: Select all
Resolution state after Singles and whips[1]:
3 1 2457 45 6 457 25
4 56 356 1357 2 1357 15
56 7 1245 345 1345 1456 235
125 2345 1356 145 457 356 13457
157 345 15 1256 57 2345 3456
15 3456 1457 23567 135 1245 345
2567 25 35 1345 1345 135 14567
naked-pairs-in-an-anti-diagonal: a6{d1 d7}{n1 n5} ==> d4a6 ≠ 5, d4a6 ≠ 1, d2a6 ≠ 5, d5a6 ≠ 5, d3a6 ≠ 5, d6a6 ≠ 5
(*) Up to now, the hardest 7x7 seems to be 1to9only's puzzle:
- Code: Select all
. 1 . . . . .
4 . . . . . .
. . . 3 . . 5
. . . . . . .
. . . 6 . . .
. . . 2 . . .
. . . . . . .
It requires a Naked Triplet (or z-chains[3])