- Code: Select all
|#158 2 3 | 4 B#158 69 | 678 1568 15679 |
| 1458 #158 7 |C#158 1358 69 | 2 134568 134569 |
| 6 9 1458 | 2 7 A1358 | 348 13458 1345 |
| 2458 358 2458 | 7 9 2358 | 1 346 346 |
| 1279 13 129 | 6 4 123 | 5 37 8 |
| 14578 6 1458 | 158 1358 1358 | 9 347 2 |
| 3 4 A158 | 9 6 A#158 | 78 2 157 |
|C#158 7 6 |C#158 2 4 | 38 9 135 |
| 29 B#158 29 | 3 B#158 7 | 468 14568 1456 |
Then the permutations of the ABC-marked cells (in order) have the same parity in each of b278.
(If b28 had different parity, one digit would appear twice in the same column, same with b78, one digit would appear twice in one row. Having the same parity is an equivalence relation.)
Suppose b27 have the same permutation, ie. their respective A, B, and C cells contain the same digits, say abc in this order.
Then b1p15 are seen by both b and c and they must therefore both be a, ie. contra.
Therefore b27 have different permutations of the same parity and their respective A, B, and C cells all contain a pair of different digits.
Together with the trivial weak links, each digit can only appear once in each of ABC, making them remote triples.