I thought you were looking for recipes on how to apply techniques, in particular how to recognize the patterns that go under these glorious inventive names that the theoreticians coin for their methods. I am often reminded of the proofs by induction that we were taught at school where we were given a formula (eg sum of a series) and told to prove it by induction. What I could not get out my head was what a useless method this is as it tells you nothing about how the inventor of the formula came up with it in the fist place. Likewise, in Sudoku, we are presented with grids with nodes highlighted and links drawn in, and you are invited to think, what an amazing method, but you haven't got a clue how they came up with that particular example from the background of millions of possible links and nodes.
Back to techniques and when to use them.
One very elementary issue which is encountered right at the beginning of the puzzle is what candidates to mark up. My rule is to be extremely parsimonious and only to mark up those candidates in cells where there is the potential for an inference such as it would exclude that candidate elsewhere. I am sure that means I have less work to do in the long run, compared with filling in all the candidates from the start. Only after I've exhausted the possibilities that way do I fill in the rest of the candidates (and perhaps find a few more triples etc).
But where to go next?
I sense that you have arranged your procedures in order of complexity, but is it really the order you apply them in practice? Personally, I haven't got into uniqueness methods or any of the "almosts" but have the impression that they are unlikely to be productive at a middle stage, ie with most unsolved cells containg multiple candidates. At least that is my experience with the type of puzzle I like doing, Mepham's weekly extreme and Ruuds nightmare.
Also, perhaps it hardly needs saying, but your group A techniques are not limited to the start of the puzzle; I'm keeping my eyes open for them at every stage, whenever I make an exclusion by another method. And of course, they are always the main tool at the very end of the solution.
I was surprised at you leaving empty rectangles to a stage when you had a lot of bivalues. My own experience is that they are productive quite early on; maybe not providing a killer exclusion, but at least leading to a small reduction in the number of candidates and perhaps creating a new locked row or column or a new bilocation that will be useful for loopfinding.
After the initial pass through and completing the full candidated grid, I use a filter to find x-wings, swordfish etc but not with much hope as there are too many cells with most candidates.
This means that with the puzzles I like doing, I almost always need to use nice loops to reduce the number of candidates to a sensible level where the "middle ranking" techniques like xy-chains can take over. So I reckon in practice, you can almost reverse the order of your groups B and C - first the advanced methods, then the middle ranking ones.
By the way, I think the circumstance where a swordfish becomes expressible in the form of a nice loop is where the candidates appear as bilocals in each of the three rows (or columns).
I use my patent method using a network diagram here for identifying simple loops.I've never been successful in finding a grouped nice loop that did anything. Have you? What is your technique?
Also, what use are AIC's? As far as I can see they are not relevant to the manual solver as it seems (to me) to be a theoretical concept that applies at the level of chains of candidates. But, with nice loops, our propagation rules apply at the cell level. So we can link two strongs (of a different label) through a bilocation, and two weak's (of a different label) through a bivalue. Also we can draw an inference from the discontinuity all of which are in violation of alternating inferences between strong and weak. I would be glad of an explanation (or directed to where I can get an explanation) that would demonstrate the relevance to the manual solver focused on cell patterns.