When trying to prove this pattern by Mauricio to be invalid, I happened to notice the following fact:
If a group of all instances of N different digits in a chute is spread over max N+1 minirows/-columns, then the group will contain at least one unavoidable set.
(The proof for all but N=5 or N=6 are mentioned in the thread above. The proofs for N=5 and N=6 are very long and ugly T&E style proof by contradiction. If someone absolutely must see them, I can try to write them down in a readable form, but it'll be a while until I have time for that. In the meantime, anyone who wants may try (in vain) to contradict the rule.)
Then I thought, why not use this for solving some puzzles! So, how can I do this? Let's say we have a band where N digits don't appear at all. From the rule above we know that they must be spread over at least N+2 columns or there will be an unavoidable set not covered by any givens (=multiple solutions). For example in this puzzle:
- Code: Select all
SE 7.3
the top band contains only digits 1,2,3&4, digits 5-9 do not appear at all. The 5 missing digts must be spread over at least 7 different columns. From this we can conclude that r3c6<>34 and the puzzle solves with locked candidates.
And another example that also needs a very nice layered BUG-lite:
- Code: Select all
ER 7.1
In the top band six different digits are missing. These six digits must be spread over all eight columns with available cells, so we can immediately eliminate 5 from r2c2 and 7 from r3c9. Unfortunately, this doesn't really help us at all and after basic technique we get stuck here:
- Code: Select all
Now we have a '1' in r2c2 and only five missing digits left. These five digits must be spread over the remaining 7 columns with empty cells, so we may eliminate candidate 1 from r3c9. This takes us here:
- Code: Select all
| 389 7 *26 |*23689 4 1389 |*2689 *12369 5 |
| 389 1 5 |*23689 7 389 |*2689 *2369 4 |
| 389 4 *26 |*23689 5 1389 |*26789 *123679 #368 |
| 2 8 1 | 79 6 5 | 479 3479 37 |
| 5 36 79 | 4 389 789 | 1 #679 2 |
| 47 36 479 | 1 39 2 | 5 8 -67 |
| 6 2 478 | 5 89 4789 | 3 47 1 |
| 47 5 3478 | 378 1 3478 |*26 *26 9 |
| 1 9 347 | 37 2 6 | 478 5 78 |
Here we have a very beautiful 13 cell layered BUG-lite on candidates {26} with only two guardian cells, r3c9=6 or r5c8=6. R6c9 can see both these cells => r6c9<>6. Puzzle solved. (This last elimination may also be seen as a reverse BUG elimination).