Pupp wrote:Just to be clear: I SOLVED THE PUZZLE
Perhaps, but based on your description I can't see any valid logic justifying it. Otherwise your description is still lacking crucial details to imagine the exact pattern.
When I say square, I mean like an X-Wing thing, not a single cell, so it was 4 cells.
Ok, thanks for the clarification. So you mean 4 cells in a square (or any rectangular?) shape? (That's not what you said originally. You specifically talked about 4 squares instead of 1, so it seemed like you used 'square' for a cell and 'box' for four cells in a square formation. Hence the confusion.)
That is, say 4/5/9 was in three of the cells, and 4/5/6/9 was in the 4th cell. So that leaves 3 cells that can only be either 4, 5, or 9. And the only cell with the 6, had to be the "6", since the other 3 numbers (4/5/9) are forced into the 3 other cells.
Unless all four cells were in the same house (row, column, box), I don't see any valid pattern that would let you conclude that 6 had to be in the fourth cell. If all four cells were in the same house, then it was simply a quad with one digit in a single cell (forcing it there), or more simply a triple that eliminated three digits from the fourth cell leaving there a naked single. The only way four cells can be in the same house in a rectangular formation is if they're in the same box (i.e. 3x3 block). Were they?
I was looking for quads at the time, but I notice I had these three numbers that were in 4 cells, with only a single cell containing an extra number, so I figured the extra number had to be in that cell. But what caught my eye is that the 4 cells made a box or rectangle (as oppose to a skyscraper formation).
'Rectangle' is a good, unambiguous word to describe a pattern shape. Please don't use 'box' for that purpose. In any case, like I said, I don't see a valid solving pattern based on that description, unless all four cells were in the
same box.
In any event, after I selected the "6" for that one cell, the puzzle pretty much collapsed: singles were lining up all over the board.
I'm just trying to find the name of the technique I used.
"Lucky guess"?

Like I said, you should provide exact details of the pattern, preferably with an image. I don't think any of us are willing to make further guesses on what you really had based on such vague information. Questions are welcome, but you should provide enough information so they can actually be answered.
PS. The proper section for questions about solving techniques is
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