Why isn't this considered a swordfish?

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Why isn't this considered a swordfish?

Postby Fonzarelle » Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:34 pm

To my understanding, the 7's in column 4, 5, and 9 form a swordfish. And when I tried to eliminate the 7 in column 3 row 2, I was alerted I made a mistake.

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Joined: 15 August 2021

Re: Why isn't this considered a swordfish?

Postby Leren » Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:48 pm


Code: Select all
| 8 579 357 |*79    4     2   | 1 6 *379 |
| 1 2   37  | 6    *379   5   | 8 4 *379 |
| 4 79  6   |*789  *1379  189 | 2 5 *379 |
| 6 4   9   |*27   *27    3   | 5 1  8   |
| 7 8   1   | 59-4  59   a49  | 6 3  2   |
| 5 3   2   | 1     8     6   | 7 9  4   |
| 2 17  47  | 3     6     1-4 | 9 8  5   |
| 9 15  48  |c48    15    7   | 3 2  6   |
| 3 6   58  | 2589  259  b89  | 4 7  1   |

I've marked the 7's in Columns 4,5 & 9 with *'s and you can see that 4 rows 1234 are involved, so there is no Swordfish there.

An easy way to solve the puzzle from where you are is via an XY Wing in cells a,b & c, which shows that one of a or c must be 4, eliminates 4's in cells that they both see.

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