Where have I gone wrong

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Where have I gone wrong

Postby Wepwawet » Tue Nov 19, 2019 3:37 am

Trying to get my head around chained ALS's.

This is the stage I have arrived at in a puzzle and playing around with chains to familiarize myself with them better;

| 5 2 378 | 1 4 9 | 678 36 78 |
| 346 48 9 | 3678 56 3578 | 178 2 14 |
| 346 1 378 | 3678 26 2378 | 9 34 5 |
| 7 3 6 | 4 28 1 | 28 5 9 |
| 14 45 15 | 9 3 28 | 2678 68 78 |
| 8 9 2 | 5 7 6 | 4 1 3 |
| 2 6 1458 | 378 18 378 | 15 9 14 |
| 9 7 14 | 68 156 58 | 3 48 2 |
| 13 58 138 | 2 9 4 | 158 7 6 |

I was trying this chain (hopefully, I have used the correct notation - first time I have used this style) ...
-2[C5] +2[C6] -2[E6] +8[E6] -8[E8] +6[E8] -6[A8] +3[A3|A8|A9] -3[J3] +5[J2|J3|J7] -5[G7] +1[G7] -1[G5] +8[G5] -8[D4] +2[D4] -2[C5]

Anyway, what puzzled me was J1 being made a 1 (though if I work it through starting from D5 going towards C5 I can see why) but I was led to believe the weak link of the 3 from A3 into the ALS {1358} at J237 would make it a locked set of 158 and that would eliminate the 1 from J1 (which doesn't work). Obviously, I am missing something here, but not quite sure what.
Could anyone suggest where my reasoning is wrong.

Thanks in advance.
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