What this forum is for

Sudoku puzzles, off-site games and other resources on the Internet

What this forum is for

Postby Pappocom » Sun Mar 06, 2005 7:42 pm

If you have created a Library book of puzzles, you can post a notice in this forum, telling people where the book (.sudbook file) can be downloaded from.

Anyone can load a Library book into their copy of Sudoku and play the puzzles in the book, on their computer.

If your Sudoku program generated a puzzle which you think is interesting or curious in some way, leave a note in this forum, telling people where the puzzle (.sud file) can be downloaded from.

Anyone can load a SUD file puzzle into their copy of Sudoku and play the puzzle on their computer.

Original works only, please.
Posts: 599
Joined: 05 March 2005

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