R6C36 has a naked pair on 3 & 9. With all of the pencil marks filled in and the naked pair accounted for a finned X-Wing on 9 will be revealed. There are other approaches to solving this puzzle, this is the one I would use.
It is a finned X-Wing. I think I left off the word "finned" the first time I mentioned it. It is in R24C67, with the fin in R4C5. Finned X-Wings allow eliminations only in the same block as the fin, so 9 can be eliminated from R6C6. The remaining normal X-Wing eliminations are invalidated by the fin.
Eliminating 9 from R6C6 forces the cell to 3, and everything else follows from singles.
I saw another naked pair in row 1 on 1 & 5 when I first did the puzzle, but it is not required.
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