What is this puzzle?

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What is this puzzle?

Postby thelardoffear » Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:39 pm

Can you please help me identify this puzzle or tell me where I can find harder examples?

It has been appearing in my local paper under the name Loop (which doesn't google well).

It is a variant of Slitherlink where you draw a single non-intersecting line around a grid.

Numbers indicate how many of the diagonally adjacent cells contain a line with a 90 degree turn.ers

Cells without a turn are either blank or have a straight line through them (you have to work out which).

Newspaper puzzles have also included a starting turn in the top-left but they are not needed and easily deduced.

Example puzzle:
Code: Select all
|2 0 1 2|1
+-----+ |
 3 2 3|3|2
+-+ +-+ +-+
|3|4|3 2 2|
| +-+     |
|3 3 1 1 2|
+-+     +-+
 3|2 0 2|3
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Re: What is this puzzle?

Postby 1to9only » Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:58 pm

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Re: What is this puzzle?

Postby thelardoffear » Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:44 pm

That link is for Slither Link puzzles.

This puzzle is similar but not the same.

In Slither Link the numbers give how many straight lines are directly next to it (just above, below, left or right).

This puzzle specifies how many turns are diagonally adjacent - look at the bottom corners etc. in the example above to see the difference.
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Joined: 20 April 2021

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