StrmCkr wrote:Which means obis arthimatic can't verify conversion on setwise reduction notation with out knowing the duplicates..
Yeah, the duplicates are kind of important in Obi's arithmetic.
That said, I must get back to your original claim... because I think we were both partly right and wrong.
SpAce wrote:StrmCkr wrote:and reduces to R13/C3B13 => r2456789c3<>7, r2c12789<>7 and still holds the rank zero as displayed in xsudoku
I don't see how it reduces to that. Not with Obi's rules,
nor with documented XSudo rules either.
It's definitely true that Obi's rules (alone) don't allow such reductions, but I think I now understand why that works with XSudo and why it reports all of those as rank 0 eliminations. In fact, I'm kind of embarrassed that I didn't see it from the beginning, but I guess it's because I've only used XSudo's set logic with multi-digit fishes (without ever using the program). Somehow I didn't think to apply the same exact rules with our single-digit fish.
I still think that the correct way to see that fish in XSudo terms is that it has an overall Rank 1, as I said from the beginning. As such it wouldn't normally eliminate anything here, as I also said, because none of the potential eliminations are covered by two or more overlapping sets. However, the base candidates r13c3 are link triplets (both covered by two sets, c3 and b1), which lowers the rank to 0 effectively everywhere in this particular pattern. That's why all three cover sets have rank 0 (i.e. they're guaranteed to hold a base candidate) and the eliminations are valid. Or so I think.
So, assuming that explanation is correct, we were both right and wrong. I was right about the fish being Rank 1, but you were right about the rank 0 eliminations. Your biggest failure was that you couldn't clearly explain why they were rank 0 and claiming that the fish itself was Rank 0 (even though it effectively is). (I think XSudo is equally wrong if it presents a 2x3 fish as a Rank 0 fish without further explanations. In fact, I'd be tempted to suspect that it only reports the eliminations as Rank 0, not the fish itself, but since I don't have the program I can't verify that.) I think that's the whole problem with your fish approach. If you're using Allan Barker's logic, or something similar to it, you should be able to explain it much better and also notate it somehow with your fishes. It's very confusing if you present them as if they were normal fishes governed by the normal rules (i.e. UFG or Obi-Fish). They're not.
It's not enough to say they're NxN+k or NxM and assume that people can draw the right conclusions, because at least to me that would imply Obi-Fish rules which don't really apply with yours. It's not enough to say that they combine Allan's and Obi's logic, because that doesn't really mean anything without details.
The link you provided above is not adequate documentation of your fish rules at all. I'd seen it before and promptly ignored it, as I did now, because it's not presented as a human-oriented technique (I can read code just fine but in this context I don't want to). So, if you want anyone (or at least me) to really understand -- or to even want to understand -- your fishes, you have to provide better and more accessible documentation, i.e. something that is not presented as code and hidden on one of the 44 pages of the UFG.
Allan's set logic is powerful but very complicated stuff when triplets and different rank regions get in the picture. Then it's not enough to just list the sets and state the eliminations, because it's not at all obvious why they happen. You must also indicate the triplets (or whatever counterpart you're using in your program) and their implications, which is often not exactly easy. That's why the UFG and even Obi-Fishes are much more intuitive for human-consumption. I would stick to them when presenting single-digit fishes because they're much more understandable to most people. Allan's set logic is more suitable for multi-digit fishes, imho, because they're more complicated anyway and there's no real alternative either.
Added. Thanks to this discussion, I'm now thinking that Obi's approach could actually simplify Allan's multi-digit logic too... see an example below.
My solution for
today's puzzle:
- Code: Select all
| 5 89 3 | 79 1 679 | 4 289 2689 |
| 2 1 7 | 4 8 69 | 5 3 69 |
| 49 c489 6 | 2 5 3 | c89 7 1 |
| 37 2 a4[89] | 1 3-9 57 | ad[8(9)] 6 458-9 |
| 1 b49 5 | 6 2 8 | 3 49 7 |
| 37 6 89 | 57 39 4 | 2 1 589 |
| 8 7 49 | 359 6 2 | 1 459 349 |
| 49 5 2 | 389 7 1 | 6 489 3489 |
| 6 3 1 | 589 4 59 | 7 2589 289 |
(98=4)r4c73 - r5c2 = (48-9)r3c27 = (9)r4c7 => -9 r4c59; stte
- Code: Select all
9r4* 3n7 3n2 4b4 8r4 |
9r4c7 9r3c7 | 9C7 *
8r3c7 8r3c2 | 8R3
4r3c2 4r5c2 | 4C2
9r4c3 4r4c3 8r4c3 | 4N3
9r4c7 8r4c7 | 4N7 *
-9r4c59 |
Written using Allan's normal set logic (as I understand it, based on the documentation alone):
Alien 5x5-Fish (Rank 1; base triplet 9r4c7): {8R3 4C2 9C7 4N37} \ {89r4 4b4 3n27} => -9 r4c59 (Rank 0 in 9r4)
That's pretty hard to understand, imho, because it's a 5x5 fish yet the overall Rank is not 0 but 1 due to the base triplet 9r4c7 (which belongs to base sets 9C7 and 4N7). For the same reason the eliminations are hard to see, because we're required to realize that the same base triplet lowers the Rank of its cover 9r4 so we actually have a local Rank 0 there. In other words, it's kind of like an endo-fin in UFG terms. Very complicated. So... why not use Obi's style to get rid of both problems:
Alien 5x6-Fish (Rank 1): {8R3 4C2 9C7 4N37} \ {899r4 4b4 3n27} => -9 r4c59 (Rank 1)
With the duplicated cover 9r4 the overall Rank 1 is now easily calculated (6-5). No need for any local rank adjustment either, because the eliminations are explicitly covered twice as they should in a Rank 1 fish. Much simpler, I think!