What is next move?

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What is next move?

Postby dpletcher » Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:44 pm

Can someone help me? What is my next move? I can’t see it.

(1/4/5) (1/4/5/7) {8} | {2} (1/4/7/9) {6} | {3} (1/4/5/9) (5/9)
{3} (1/4/7) (1/2/4/6) | {5} (1/4/7/9) (4/7) | (1/2/4/6) (1/4/9) {8}
(1/2/4/5/6) {9} (1/2/4/6) | {8} (1/4) {3} | (1/2/4/6) {7} (5/6)

{9} {6} {7} | {1} {8} {2} | {5} {3} {4}
{8} {2} {5} | {3} (4/7) (4/7) | {9} {6} {1}
(1/4) (1/4) {3} | {6} {5} {9} | {7} {8} {2}

(1/6) {8} {9} | {4} {3} {5} | (1/6) {2} {7}
{7} (4/5) (2/6) | {9} (2/6) {1} | {8} (4/5) {3}
(1/2/4/5/6) {3} (1/2/4/6) | {7} (2/6) {8} | (1/4/6) (1/4/5/9) (5/6/9)

What next step am I missing here?
Posts: 17
Joined: 20 August 2005

Postby simes » Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:58 am

Code: Select all

a hidden pair (2 and 6) in row 2,
a naked pair (2 and 6) in column 3
a naked pair (1 and 4) in row 3
then r9c7 = 4
Posts: 324
Joined: 11 March 2005
Location: UK

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