This is the entire puzzle. Numbers in red are the clues posted in the West Australian paper. It is not the first time that this paper has posted a grid with multi-solutions, except it was not obvious to me this time.
Assuming this grid had a unique solution, I eliminated 79 in r9c7 and 6 in r2c7, but was stuck at that point. I completely overlooked a second close loop of the 46 pairs. Otherwise, I could have reached a solution by assuming the grid has one unique solution and eliminated 7 in r9c9 or 9 in r1c8. But then again, I would have thought that the assumed solution was the only solution, and not bothered to go back to check the validity of the assumptions. In fact, this grid has 3 solutions.
From this exercise,
I learned how to identify potential multi-solution grids of more complex patterns.
I learned that I should always go back and check whether the assumption of unique solution was valid.
I learned more about forcing chains.
Thanks for your help.