An experiment in column aligment.
The first four columns are done in this grid.
- Code: Select all
{789}{2789} {4} {2369} {367}{3679}{268}{5}{1}
{6} {278} {278}{4} {5}{1}{9}{28}{3}
{1} {3} {5} {269} {69}{8}{26}{4}{7}
{789}{56789} {1} {35689}{2}{3679}{3567}{679}{4}
{4} {256789}{3} {5689} {1}{679}{2567}{2679}{59}
{79} {25679} {267}{3569} {4}{3679}{23567}{1}{8}
{2} {1} {9} {7} {8}{5}{4}{3}{6}
{5} {678} {678}{369} {369}{4}{1}{789}{2}
{3} {4} {678}{1} {69}{2}{578}{789}{59}
First click code and put in 81 {}'s.
Insert candidates and numbers.
Look at column 1,the longest cell is three numbers long.
Working down the column 1, click after the } on each row and,
add spaces to equal the longest number.
e.g., column 1
{789} does not need any spaces.
{6} needs two spaces.
{1] needs two spaces.
{789} no spaces.
{4} two spaces.
{79} one space.
{2} two spaces.
{5} two spaces.
{3} two spaces.
Preview the text and you see that the second column is in line.
This will make it easier to see the cells in the 2nd column.
In column 2 the largest cell is six numbers long therefore,
you'll need to add spaces to equal this after each cell in column 2.
And so on across the grid.
Preview each time you do a column.
Result, hopefully, a neat and tidy candidate grid.