Another way of using TDP, equivalent to that of Ajo Dimonios, is to construct a network of two
conjugated tracks from the 2r3 pair.
- Step 1 development of P(2r3c2) (see puzzle1)
P(2r3c2) : 2r3c2->5r2c8->9r3c5->9r4c6->9r5c7-> ---
P(2r3c2).P'(2r8c3) = P(2r3c2).{-2r8c3-> --- ->2r8c1} => P(2r3c2) does not contain 2r8c7, therefore contains 2r2c7 .
- Step 2 development of P(2r3c8) (see puzzle2)
P(2r3c8) : 2r3c8->2r2c4-> ---
P(2r3c8).P'(2r5c7) = P(2r3c8).{-2r5c7->2r4c9->9r4c6->9r3c5->5r3c2->5r5c3->2r8c3} => P(2r3c2) does not contain 2r8c7, therefore contains 2r5c7 .
- Step 3 development and intersection of the two tracks (see puzzle3).
From then on, both tracks are easily developed, with only the basic techniques, as on the puzzle3.
This allows the elimination of all candidates who see both colors, and validations r1c1=5, r9c1=9 and r7c7=1.
- Step4 end of resolution
After these eliminations, the puzzle is the next one on which the two tracks can be extended to complete the solution, with the 6r9c2 common to both tracks being validated.