Hi Sandy
It helps if you post your candidate list as well so we know where you've got to, so the following may include candidates you've already eliminated. I think you must have done the hard bit!
Your grid and the accompanying candidate list are as follows:
- Code: Select all
{46} {135} {135} {146} {8} {7} {2} {9} {1456}
{7} {15} {2} {3} {9} {14} {1456} {8} {1456}
{46} {9} {8} {1246} {5} {124} {146} {3} {7}
{8} {2} {379} {159} {4} {1359} {567} {567} {56}
{5} {6} {4} {7} {2} {8} {9} {1} {3}
{1} {37} {379} {59} {6} {359} {8} {4} {2}
{9} {1578} {157} {45} {37} {345} {134567} {2} {14568}
{2} {4} {157} {8} {37} {6} {1357} {57} {9}
{3} {578} {6} {2459} {1} {2459} {457} {57} {458}
Naked pair (57) in column 8 - therefore r4c8 is 6. The rest can be completed with singles.
Hope that helps.
Check the Help with particular puzzles forum for tips on how to post a puzzle you're stuck on. I use the copy feature in Simple Sudoku which cleverly enables you to paste within the [code] and it comes out as above.