this is what happens when you have sooooo many names that stick for each pattern. the fact that the sudoku community still seems to separate the xy-wing and xy-chain is a case and point. WHY ??? an xy-wing is a xy-chain !! why have two names for the exact same thing? why isn't there more effort from all the geniuses to streamline all the jumble of names??
kind of like this puzzle...
- Code: Select all
| 6 17 9 | 278 25 578 | 123 37 4 |
| 257 3 257 | 27 1 4 | 9 6 8 |
| 1247 8 247 | 6 9 3 | 125 57 27 |
| 45 9 3 | 128 26 68 | 7 #45 16 |
| 127 17 267 | 5 4 679 | 36 8 369 |
| 8 #45 67 | 17 3 679 |#45 2 169 |
| 3 6 48 | 9 7 2 | 48 1 5 |
| 579 2 578 | 4 56 1 | 368 379 367 |
| 4579 #45 1 | 3 8 56 | 246 -479 267 |
notice the {4,5} cells... they absolutely fit the definitions of w-wing/classic remote naked pair/xy-chain and an M-wing

don't know what it is, I will gladly fill anyone in on it.
IMO... the w-wing is best served when connecting four cells. after you go beyond four cells in order to connect a remote pair, then you have left behind the true spirit of the w-wing... one of the best weapons you can have for sudoku.
not only is it a great weapon, but also easy to spot, not unlike the Type 1 UR, and the naked pair.