by AlexB » Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:20 pm
What a great puzzle! My VB6 based solver "The Su Doku Assistant" ( was stretched to the limit and took 8 seconds to find the unique solution. The steps it used are listed below.
Prune R1C2 from 3579 to 359 (colouring of 7 starting at R1C2, leading to problem in row 5).
Prune R2C1 from 2357 to 235 (colouring of 7 starting at R2C1, leading to problem in row 5).
Prune R5C2 from 17 to 1 (inconsistency detected starting from R5C2 = 7).
Prune R5C4 from 1278 to 278 (in same row, R5C2 = 1).
Prune R5C8 from 128 to 28 (in same row, R5C2 = 1).
Prune R4C2 from 13579 to 3579 (in same column, R5C2 = 1).
Prune R4C2 from 3579 to 359 (inconsistency detected starting from R4C2 = 7).
Set R1C2 equal to 3 (no other candidate for R1C2 leads to a valid solution).
Prune R1C4 from 2378 to 278 (in same row, R1C2 = 3).
Prune R1C5 from 2358 to 258 (in same row, R1C2 = 3).
Prune R4C2 from 359 to 59 (in same column, R1C2 = 3).
Prune R2C1 from 235 to 25 (in same subgrid, R1C2 = 3).
Prune R2C5 from 235 to 3 (no other cell in same row can be a 3).
Prune R7C5 from 35689 to 5689 (in same column, R2C5 = 3).
Prune R7C4 from 3468 to 34 (only cells R7C4 and R7C9 in that row can be 3 or 4).
Prune R7C9 from 13469 to 34 (only cells R7C4 and R7C9 in that row can be 3 or 4).
Prune R7C7 from 1568 to 1 (no other cell in same row can be a 1).
Prune R2C7 from 157 to 57 (in same column, R7C7 = 1).
Prune R6C7 from 1678 to 678 (in same column, R7C7 = 1).
Prune R8C7 from 568 to 68 (in same column, R1C7 and R2C7 must be 5 or 7).
Prune R6C7 from 678 to 68 (in same column, R1C7 and R2C7 must be 5 or 7).
Prune R1C8 from 2459 to 249 (in same subgrid, R1C7 and R2C7 must be 5 or 7).
Prune R2C8 from 1245 to 124 (in same subgrid, R1C7 and R2C7 must be 5 or 7).
Prune R1C9 from 2479 to 249 (in same subgrid, R1C7 and R2C7 must be 5 or 7).
Prune R3C9 from 1279 to 129 (in same subgrid, R1C7 and R2C7 must be 5 or 7).
Prune R8C4 from 2368 to 236 (in row 7, R7C5 or R7C6 = 8 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R8C6 from 2589 to 259 (in row 7, R7C5 or R7C6 = 8 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R9C4 from 468 to 46 (in row 7, R7C5 or R7C6 = 8 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R9C6 from 589 to 59 (in row 7, R7C5 or R7C6 = 8 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R4C8 from 123 to 23 (colouring of 1 starting at R4C8, leading to problem in row 6).
Prune R1C9 from 249 to 29 (inconsistency detected starting from R1C9 = 2).
Prune R9C8 from 4589 to 589 (in column 9, R7C9 or R9C9 = 4 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R3C2 from 579 to 79 (inconsistency detected starting from R3C2 = 5).
Prune R3C4 from 127 to 12 (inconsistency detected starting from R3C4 = 7).
Prune R1C3 from 24579 to 2459 (in row 3, R3C2 or R3C3 = 7 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R2C3 from 2457 to 245 (in row 3, R3C2 or R3C3 = 7 and pruned cell is in same subgrid).
Prune R3C5 from 25 to 5 (inconsistency detected starting from R3C5 = 2).
Prune R3C3 from 2579 to 279 (in same row, R3C5 = 5).
Prune R1C5 from 258 to 28 (in same column, R3C5 = 5).
Prune R7C5 from 5689 to 689 (in same column, R3C5 = 5).
Prune R2C6 from 1257 to 127 (in same subgrid, R3C5 = 5).
Prune R1C5 from 28 to 8 (inconsistency detected starting from R1C5 = 2).
Prune R1C4 from 278 to 27 (in same row, R1C5 = 8).
Prune R6C5 from 2689 to 269 (in same column, R1C5 = 8).
Prune R7C5 from 689 to 69 (in same column, R1C5 = 8).
Prune R7C6 from 589 to 8 (no other cell in same row can be a 8).
Prune R5C4 from 278 to 8 (no other cell in same column can be a 8).
Prune R5C1 from 27 to 7 (no other cell in same row can be a 7).
Prune R5C8 from 28 to 2 (no other cell in same row can be a 2).
Prune R4C1 from 23579 to 2359 (in same column, R5C1 = 7).
Prune R6C1 from 2379 to 239 (in same column, R5C1 = 7).
Prune R9C1 from 5679 to 569 (in same column, R5C1 = 7).
Prune R6C3 from 279 to 29 (in same subgrid, R5C1 = 7).
Prune R6C6 from 12789 to 1279 (in same subgrid, R5C4 = 8).
Prune R1C8 from 249 to 49 (in same column, R5C8 = 2).
Prune R2C8 from 124 to 14 (in same column, R5C8 = 2).
Prune R4C8 from 23 to 3 (in same column, R5C8 = 2).
Prune R6C8 from 1238 to 138 (in same column, R5C8 = 2).
Prune R4C9 from 12367 to 1367 (in same subgrid, R5C8 = 2).
Prune R6C9 from 12367 to 1367 (in same subgrid, R5C8 = 2).
Prune R9C2 from 5789 to 7 (no other cell in same row can be a 7).
Prune R9C8 from 589 to 8 (no other cell in same row can be a 8).
Prune R8C2 from 589 to 8 (no other cell in same column can be a 8).
Prune R3C3 from 279 to 7 (no other cell in same column can be a 7).
Prune R8C8 from 3589 to 5 (no other cell in same column can be a 5).
Prune R1C8 from 49 to 9 (no other cell in same column can be a 9).
Prune R2C8 from 14 to 4 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 4).
Prune R1C3 from 2459 to 4 (no other cell in same row can be a 4).
Prune R1C7 from 57 to 5 (no other cell in same row can be a 5).
Prune R1C4 from 27 to 7 (no other cell in same row can be a 7).
Prune R2C6 from 127 to 1 (no other cell in same row can be a 1).
Prune R2C7 from 57 to 7 (no other cell in same row can be a 7).
Prune R4C2 from 59 to 5 (no other cell in same column can be a 5).
Prune R3C2 from 79 to 9 (no other cell in same column can be a 9).
Prune R6C8 from 138 to 1 (no other cell in same column can be a 1).
Prune R3C4 from 12 to 2 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 2).
Prune R3C9 from 129 to 1 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 1).
Prune R1C9 from 29 to 2 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 2).
Prune R6C7 from 68 to 8 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 8).
Prune R4C4 from 1267 to 1 (no other cell in same column can be a 1).
Prune R8C7 from 68 to 6 (no other cell in same column can be a 6).
Prune R2C3 from 245 to 25 (in same column, R1C3 = 4).
Prune R4C6 from 1279 to 279 (in same column, R2C6 = 1).
Prune R6C6 from 1279 to 279 (in same column, R2C6 = 1).
Prune R8C4 from 236 to 36 (in same column, R3C4 = 2).
Prune R4C9 from 1367 to 367 (in same column, R3C9 = 1).
Prune R6C9 from 1367 to 367 (in same column, R3C9 = 1).
Prune R4C1 from 2359 to 239 (in same row, R4C2 = 5).
Prune R4C1 from 239 to 29 (in same row, R4C8 = 3).
Prune R4C9 from 367 to 67 (in same row, R4C8 = 3).
Prune R6C9 from 367 to 67 (in same subgrid, R4C8 = 3).
Prune R8C4 from 36 to 3 (in same row, R8C7 = 6).
Prune R8C9 from 369 to 39 (in same row, R8C7 = 6).
Prune R9C9 from 469 to 49 (in same subgrid, R8C7 = 6).
Prune R8C6 from 259 to 29 (in same row, R8C8 = 5).
Prune R6C1 from 239 to 3 (no other cell in same row can be a 3).
Prune R8C6 from 29 to 2 (no other cell in same row can be a 2).
Prune R8C9 from 39 to 9 (no other cell in same row can be a 9).
Prune R9C4 from 46 to 6 (no other cell in same column can be a 6).
Prune R9C6 from 59 to 5 (no other cell in same column can be a 5).
Prune R7C9 from 34 to 3 (no other cell in same column can be a 3).
Prune R9C9 from 49 to 4 (no other cell in same column can be a 4).
Prune R7C4 from 34 to 4 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 4).
Prune R7C5 from 69 to 9 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 9).
Prune R7C1 from 569 to 6 (no other cell in same row can be a 6).
Prune R9C1 from 569 to 9 (no other cell in same row can be a 9).
Prune R2C1 from 25 to 5 (no other cell in same column can be a 5).
Prune R2C3 from 25 to 2 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 2).
Prune R7C3 from 59 to 5 (no other cell in same subgrid can be a 5).
Prune R4C1 from 29 to 2 (no other cell in same column can be a 2).
Prune R6C3 from 29 to 9 (no other cell in same column can be a 9).
Prune R4C5 from 269 to 69 (in same row, R4C1 = 2).
Prune R4C6 from 279 to 79 (in same row, R4C1 = 2).
Prune R6C5 from 269 to 26 (in same row, R6C3 = 9).
Prune R6C6 from 279 to 27 (in same row, R6C3 = 9).
Prune R4C5 from 69 to 6 (in same column, R7C5 = 9).
Prune R6C6 from 27 to 7 (in same column, R8C6 = 2).
Prune R4C6 from 79 to 9 (no other cell in same row can be a 9).
Prune R6C5 from 26 to 2 (no other cell in same row can be a 2).
Prune R6C9 from 67 to 6 (no other cell in same row can be a 6).
Prune R4C9 from 67 to 7 (no other cell in same column can be a 7).