Very Peculiar Puzzles

Everything about Sudoku that doesn't fit in one of the other sections

Very Peculiar Puzzles

Postby Eioru » Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:11 am

I found these same pattern puzzles with rare logical methods more than others
(1) 8 x Turbot Fish 2..4..1...3..2..9...6..1..78.....7...5.....4...1.....96..7..4...2..8..3...8..6..5
(2) 4 x Bidirectional Y-Cycle 2..6..1...7..3..5...9..5..69.....4...2.....8...4.....94..9..2...3..5..7...8..6..1
(3) 24 x Forcing Chain 2..6..1...8..5..3...7..2..85.....6...3.....5...6.....21..5..9...5..4..7...9..8..5
(4) 2 x Aligned Triplet Exclusion 8..9..3...9..3..4...7..6..59.....2...4.....6...5.....14..8..1...3..5..2...1..7..8
(5) 3 x Aligned Pair Exclusion 7..3..8...4..5..9...2..4..62.....1...7.....4...6.....21..8..6...9..3..5...5..7..8
(6) 3 x Bidirectional Cycle 8..9..4...3..4..6...1..5..26.....8...5.....7...7.....39..2..7...2..9..1...8..3..5

It could exists more extreme puzzles not found yet.
But I feel these might be great puzzles.
Posts: 182
Joined: 16 August 2006

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