- Implemented optical character recognition (OCR). It's not perfect, but it does a reasonable job on many images. Simply open, or drag and drop an image file containing Sudoku puzzles, or you can also paste images from the clipboard. If the OCR finds a single puzzle, it will be imported. If the image contains several puzzles, you can select the one you want to import. It the OCR doesn't find a puzzle, you can help it by selecting the puzzle within the image - this is usually when the puzzle forms only a small part of the overall image. The OCR isn't perfect, so please check the imported puzzle against the original image.
- Added a new number selector. For those who prefer to use the mouse, this is much slicker than the pop-up menus. Left click for a big number, and right-click for a pencil mark. For those that prefer the pop-up menu, the selector can be disabled from the Options dialog. And of course, the keyboard can still be used.
- Added a menu option to save the puzzle as an image file - PNG, GIF, JPG or BMP formats are supported.
- Added a menu option to copy the puzzle to the clipboard as an image.
- The "effects" display now reflects the current state of the pencil marks, rather than the simple effects of numbers already present. This means the effects are updated as you eliminate cell candidates.
- When opening a file with "auto-calculate pencil marks" enabled, the pencil marks are only calculated if none are already present. This prevents any manually adjusted pencil marks in the file from being overwritten by the auto-calculated ones.
It can be downloaded from www.sadmansoftware.com/sudoku/sudoku-setup.exe.