Valid puzzles for Fractal Pattern

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Re: Valid puzzles for Fractal Pattern

Postby Serg » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:38 am

I was wrongly understanding the principle of forming horizontally symmetric 18-clue patterns list (thanks to Pat for his clarification). So, I didn't find really any new symmetric patterns by "twins" search.

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twins in 17s

Postby dobrichev » Thu Apr 28, 2011 4:12 pm

Serg wrote:Hi, ronk, dobrichev!
Thank you for your replies. dobrichev, thank you for your link. Your results are very interesting for me. I've searched twin puzzles in exactly the same way as you.

dobrichev wrote:Now I can't remember what exactly I counted, since there were cases where puzzles A and B are twins, B and C are twins, but A and C are not. So 96 is probably not the pair count but the number of puzzles which have 1 or more twins.

Sounds somewhat strange... Puzzles A, B, C in your example all have the same completition, aren't they? If so, they all are twins (maybe "multiplies"?).


Serg, you are right.

In 17s there are no complicated cases.
Below are the 96 pairs. In the left column, the puzzles are ordered by their row minlex representation. The right column is the puzzle with the permuted UA values. Each pair occurs twise in the list - once with one puzzle in minlex form, and second time with puzzles swapped and other puzzle in minlex form. 96 puzzles are forming 48 distinct pairs. There are no repeating puzzles in the left column, therefore there are no "multiplets".


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