Recently I've been coding a sudoku game that teaches people different solving techniques. I've been concentrating on that aspect of my game, and unfortunately my puzzle generator isn't very good. I was wondering if anyone could suggest solving techniques I could program into my game so that it creates much better puzzles. If anyone was interested, here is my process for creating sudokus:
1. Generates a completed sudoku grid.
2. Does the following 50 times:
Removes the cell with the most candidates and which belongs to the most populated groups if and only if
-The puzzle has one unique solution after the cell is removed
The puzzle checks the following solving techniques to test for a solution and uniqueness
-Hidden and Naked Singles
-Segment Ones and Twos
-Naked pairs, triples, and quads
Difficulty is based on a score, which is determined by which method are used to solve each cell
Sorry if this was not posted in the correct forum.