Example 1 1......8......92....6.3...52....8.....5.7.....6.5....4..47...........91..3..6...7;28;elev;14;G1
- Code: Select all
1*. . | . . . | . 8*.
. . . | . . 9*| 2*. .
. . 6 | . 3 . | . . 5
2*. . | . . 8*| . . .
. . 5 | . 7 . | . . .
. 6 . | 5 . . | . . 4
. . 4 | 7 . . | . . .
. . . | . . . | 9*1*.
. 3 . | . 6 . | . . 7
Examining the positions of the givens [1289] they can be seen to occur together in different rows and columns. These then make an ideal choice of Home set which establishes the complementary digits [34567] as the Away set.
- Code: Select all
| <1> 24579 2379 | 246 245 4567-2 | 3467 <8> 369 |
| 3457-8 4578 378 | 1468 1458 <9> | <2> 3467 136 |
47 | [4789] 289-47 <6> | 128-4 <3> [1247] | [147] [479] <5> |
| <2> 1479 1379 | 13469 149 <8> | 3567-1 3567-9 1369 |
346 | [3489] 189-4 <5> | 129-346 <7> [12346] | [1368] [2369] 1289-36 |
37 | [3789] <6> 189-37 | <5> 129 [123] | [1378] [2379] <4> |
356 | [5689] 1289-5 <4> | <7> 1289-5 [1235] | [3568] [2356] 28-36 |
| 567-8 2578 278 | 2348 2458 345-2 | <9> <1> 2368 |
45 | [589] <3> 1289 | 1289 <6> [125] | [458] [245] <7> |
89 12 18 29
MS-NS: r35679c1678 (20 cells)
(47)r3,(346)r5,(37)r6,(356)r7,(45)r9,(89)c1,(12)c6,(18)c7,(29)c8 (20 digit covers)
=> Eliminations: 2r1c6, 8r2c1, 47r3c2, 4r3c4, 1r4c7, 9r4c8, 4r5c2, 346r5c4,
36r5c9, 37r6c3, 5r7c2, 5r7c5, 36r7c9, 8r8c1, 2r8c6 (21 candidates in 15 cells)
Choosing to allocate the Away set to the rows, checks are made for those rows that don't contain any Home set digit as a given. This occurs in rows 3,5,6,7,9 and so these are chosen as Away set rows. In row 3 the positions of [356] are known so only two digits, [47], remain to be placed, as shown in the left margin. The same procedure is repeated for the other selected rows.
Attention now turns to locating any columns that contain two Home set members where it can be seen that columns 1,6,7,& 8 all qualify. These are therefore selected as being the home set houses and again the digits that remain to be placed are shown in the bottom margin.
In total there are now 20 digits to be placed across 9 houses. There are also 20 cells where the Home and Away sets intersect, and in each of these every candidate is covered by one of the sets. These 20 cells therefore form a Multi-Sector Naked Set and all instances of covered digits in partially covered cells are therefore false. This is because if one of them was true, there would be 20 Naked Set cells left to be filled but only 19 digits left to fill them.
Another point to note is that there is set of 20 cells with no digits covered at all where the unused rows and columns intersect that form a complementary locked set. This is the set that would have been found if the Home sets were allocated to the rows and the Away set to columns.
This first example can be considered almost self-evident because the combination of rows and columns to use is obvious, but that isn't always the case.
Example 2 3.....9...7...1.5...2.....4....76.1....3.5....6.81....4.....2...5.6...8...9.....3
Home Set = [2349]
- Code: Select all
| <3> 148 1568-4 | 2457 24568 2478 | <9> 267 1678-2 |
68 | [689] <7> [468] | 249 2349-68 <1> | [368] <5> [268] |
| 1568-9 189 <2> | 579 35689 3789 | 1678-3 367 <4> |
58 | [2589] 2349-8 [3458] | 249 <7> <6> | [3458] <1> [2589] |
| 178-29 12489 178-4 | <3> 249 <5> | 678-4 24679 678-29 |
57 | [2579] <6> [3457] | <8> <1> 249 | [3457] 2349-7 [2579] |
| <4> 138 1678-3 | 1579 3589 3789 | <2> 679 1567-9 |
17 | [127] <5> [137] | <6> 2349 2349-7 | [147] <8> [179] |
| 1678-2 128 <9> | 12457 2458 2478 | 1567-4 467 <3> |
29 34 34 29
MS-NS: r2468c1379 (16 cells)
(68)r2,(58)r4,(57)r6,(17)r8,(29)c1,(34)c3,(34)c7,(29)c9 (16 digit covers)
=> Eliminations:4r1c3, 2r1c9, 68r2c5, 9r3c1, 3r3c7, 8r4c2, 29r5c1, 4r5c3, 4r5c7, 29r5c9,
7r6c8, 3r7c3, 9r7c9, 7r8c6, 2r9c1, 4r9c7 (19 candidates in 16 cells)
Hence (249)HS:r5c258 => r5c2 <> 48, r5c8 <> 67 (4 candidates in 2 cells)
| <3> [148] 1568-4 | 2457 24568 2478 | <9> [267] 1678-2 | B1 49
68 | [689] <7> [468] | 249 2349-68 <1> | [368] <5> [268] |
| 1568-9 [189] <2> | 579 35689 3789 | 1678-3 [367] <4> | B3 23
| 2589 2349-8 3458 | 249 <7> <6> | 3458 <1> 2589 |
| 12789 249-18 1478 | <3> 249 <5> | 4678 249-67 26789 |
| 2579 <6> 3457 | <8> <1> 249 | 3457 2349-7 2579 |
| <4> [138] 1678-3 | 1579 3589 3789 | <2> [679] 1567-9 | B7 23
17 | [127] <5> [137] | <6> 2349 2349-7 | [147] <8> [179] |
| 1678-2 [128] <9> | 12457 2458 2478 | 1567-4 [467] <3> | B9 49
18 67
MS-NS: r1379c28, r28c1379 (16 cells)
(68)r2,(17)r8,(18)c2,(67)c8,(49)b1,(23)b3,(23)b7,(49)b9 (16 digit covers)
=> Eliminations: 4r1c3, 2r1c9, 68r2c5, 9r3c1, 3r3c7, 8r4c2, 18r5c2, 67r5c8, 7r6c8, 3r7c3,
9r7c9, 7r8c6, 2r9c1, 4r9c7, (17 candidates in 14 cells)
Hence (249)NS r5c258 => r5c19 <> 29, r5c37 <> 4 (6 candidates in 4 cells)
The tell-tale signs of a SK loop pattern are a rectangle of 4 boxes (b1379 above) that contain diagonals of givens. Each of these diagonals contains 2 digits out of a set of 4 (2349) that are confined the same two lines in the containing bands (r13 and r79, and c13, and c79). It's these digits that are used to compose the Home set.
The upper grid shows the standard row/column division of the Home and Away sets, and the lower one shows the Home sets being assigned to boxes while the Away set is used in two rows and two columns (which gives an identical set of eliminations to the usual chain representation of an SK loop).
What this demonstrates is that there is more than one way the naked set can be composed for the same grid, and these may give slightly different sets of eliminations. However in these cases it will be found that follow-on steps using the naked or hidden sets that are created by the pattern eliminations, will result in the same overall result.
Example 3 98.7.....6.7...8......85...4...3..2..9....6.......1..4.6.5..9......4...3.....2.1.;28180;GP;2011_12
Home Set = 1234
- Code: Select all
56 | <9> <8> 1234-5 | <7> [126] [346] | 1234-5 [3456] [1256] |
59 | <6> 1234-5 <7> | 1234-9 [129] [349] | <8> [3459] [1259] |
| 123 1234 1234 | 123469 <8> <5> | 12347 679-34 679-12 |
| <4> 157 1568 | 689 <3> 6789 | 157 <2> 5789-1 |
578 | 123-578 <9> 123-58 | 24-8 [257] [478] | <6> [3578] [1578] |
| 23578 2357 23568 | 2689 5679-2 <1> | 357 5789-3 <4> |
78 | 123-78 <6> 1234-8 | <5> [17] [378] | <9> [478] [278] |
| 12578 1257 12589 | 1689 <4> 6789 | 257 5678 <3> |
| 3578 3457 34589 | 3689 679 <2> | 457 <1> 5678 |
12 34 34 12
MS-AHS r1257c5689 (16 Cells)
(56)r1,(59)r2,(578)r5,(78)r7,(12)c5,(34)c6,(34)c8,(12)c9 (17 Digit Covers)
Potential Eliminations 5r1c3, 5r1c7, 5r2c2, 9r2c4, 34r3c8, 12r3c9, 1r4c9, 578r5c1,
58r5c3, 8r5c4, 2r6c5, 3r6c8, 78r7c1, 8r7c3 (20 Candidates in 14 cells)
Here there are 17 digits occupying the 16 cells so one of them must be true in an external cell.
Now it can be noted the full set of PEs would leave box 1 without a 5 so identifying that it should be removed from the Away set for either row 1 or row 2, but which row it should be isn't known.
There are now two ways to handle this
1) Add a Home set for
box 1. This will fully cover the candidates in the unsolved cells in the box and so create a Naked Set of 21 cells with 21 digits.
2) Remove 5 from the covers for r1 and r2 and substitute them with a 5b3 cover (a 5b2 isn't needed as it is a given in that box). This now reduces the digit covers to 16 to balance with the size of the Naked Set.
Note these changes have no effect on other PEs shown except of course they are now all validated.
This pattern is an almost SK loop, with [1234]b5689 in the right positions. It's spoilt though because r5c4 should contain a given. The second pattern used in the previous example can also be adapted though as this grid shows.
- Code: Select all
| <9> <8> 12345 | <7> 126 346 | 1234-5 3456 1256 |
| <6> 12345 <7> | 1234-9 129 349 | <8> 3459 1259 |
1234 |[123] [1234] [1234] |[123469] <8> <5> |[12347] 679-34 679-12 |
| <4> 157 1568 |[689] <3> 6789 |[157] <2> 5789-1 |
578 | 123-578 <9> 123-58 |[24]-8* [257] [478] | <6> [3578] [1578] | b5 24
| 23578 2357 23568 |[2689] 5679-2 <1> |[357] 5789-3 <4> | b6 13
78 | 123-78 <6> 1234-8 | <5> [17] [378] | <9> [478] [278] |
| 12578 1257 12589 |[1689] <4> 6789 |[257] 5678 <3> | b8 13
| 3578 3457 34589 |[3689] 679 <2> |[457] <1> 5678 | b9 24
689 57
MS-LS: r34689c47, r57c5689, r3c123, r5c4 (22 Cells)
Links 1234r3, 578r5, 78r7, 689c4, 57c7, 24b5, 13b6, 13b8, 24b9, (22 Digit Covers)
=> Eliminations: 5r1c7, 9r2c4, 34r3c8, 12r3c9, 1r4c9, 578r5c1, 58r5c3, 8r5c4*
2r6c5, 3r6c8, 78r7c1, 8r7c3, (18 Candidates in 12 cells)
A particular point to note is that r5c4 is a member of the Naked Set with candidate (8) covered twice by digit covers for both its row and its column. It's therefore false as if it were true it would leave 21 NS cells to be filled using only the 20 remaining digit covers.
[Edit 1] 3rd example added
[Edit 2] Copying errors corrected
[Edit 3] Typo (box 5 should have been box 1 in note 1 for example 3)