Some preliminary requirements:
1) Download libexact and read the PDF manual.
2) Read Allan Barker's brief introduction to set/link-set logic.
3) Basic knowledge of C/C++ and STL is important, but not necessarily critical.
The base/cover algorithm requires some outside method to discover/generate a base set. Currently, I'm using doubly-linked ALSs to generate a vector describing all the cells of both ALSs, but you can use whatever technique you want to generate such lists. However, the following code only works well for rank-0 logical structures, so if you want rank-1 chains etc, you'll have to adjust the filter to allow base+1 sized solutions, modify the elimination code to correctly test the overlap counts, and probably switch from cell base sets to lists of the actual sets used to link candidates.
Basically the technique works like this:
1) Find any interesting set of cells to examine. This becomes the base set.
2) Setup the DLX problem using the libexact (modified) API.
3) Execute libexact exact_solve to find all valid combinations of rows/cols/boxes that exactly cover the base cells.
4) For each solution, any outside candidate contained in a cover set but not in a base set can be eliminated.
This is similar to fishing algorithms that use base/cover sets for single digit analysis. In fact, I adapted it from my experimental fishing engine that also uses DLX in this manner. Here, it is being used in a more general fashion.
So, on to the code (written in C++ and depending heavily on STL):
- Code: Select all
1 int base_filter (void *param, int sz, const int *soln, int col)
2 {
3 bitset<m_cols> *set_map = (bitset<m_cols> *) param;
5 return (set_map->_Unchecked_test (col) == 0);
6 }
8 int level_filter (void *param, int sz, const int *soln)
9 {
10 int max_sz = (int) param;
12 return (sz <= max_sz); // exact level_filter skips any solutions when sz > max_size from param when registered
13 }
15 int do_base_cover (bitset<m_cells> *sloc_map, bitset<m_rows> *updt_map, grid_t *grid, char *caller)
16 {
17 exact_t *e = ge; // pre-allocated in initialization code exact_t *ge = exact_alloc ();
18 exact_reset (e); // new call for a fast re-initialization of the exact_t structure
20 cand_map.reset (); // STL bitset<729> for defining possible candidates to eliminate
21 base_set.reset (); // STL bitset<729> for defining our input bitset based on the bitset<81> sloc_map cells
23 set_map.reset (); // STL bitset<324> for testing whether or not we've encountered a new cover set
25 int nh = 0; // counter for row/col headers used for new call exact_declare to setup our DLX problem
26 int ne = 0; // counter for entry headers used for new call exact_declare
27 int bc = sloc_map->count (); // Get the number of cells (base count)
29 int update = 0; // track how many updates (eliminations) were performed
31 // Scan our current PM grid to initialize the base_set and cand_set, plus build the row/col headers and entries
33 for (int n = 0; n < m_cells; n++) // m_cells = 81
34 {
35 if (grid->cell[n/m_n][n%m_n].digit > 0) // check to see if the cell is already solved
36 continue;
38 int r = n/m_n; // compute row
39 int c = n%m_n; // compute col
40 int b = rc2b[r][c]; // lookup box
42 int mbits = grid->cell[r][c].mbits; // fetch the current PM candidates for this cell
44 for (int d = 0; d < m_n; d++) // m_n = 9 so scan all the digits
45 {
46 if ((mbits & (1 << d)) == 0) // test if candidate d is set
47 continue;
49 int vx = NRC2V (d, r, c); // convert digit/row/col to NRC[729] address vx = r*81+c*9+d
51 cand_map[vx] = 1; // assign this as a valid candidate for potential elimination
53 if (sloc_map->_Unchecked_test (n) == 0) // test if this is one of our base cells
54 continue; // no - then skip the DLX row/col/entry setup
56 base_set[vx] = 1; // yes - assign this as a valid base set candidate
58 // Compute constraint indexes for this candidate
60 int nx = r*m_n+c; // RC space index as a constraint (first 81)
61 int rx = r*m_n+d + m_cells; // RN space index as a constraint (second 81)
62 int cx = c*m_n+d + m_cells*2; // CN space index as a constraint (third 81)
63 int bx = b*m_n+d + m_cells*3; // BN space index as a constraint (forth 81)
65 if (set_map[nx] == 0) // Test if this is the first time we saw this RC cell
66 {
67 set_map[nx] = 1;
68 // e_headers[nh++] = (TYPE_COL << 16 | nx); // Do nothing - may need this later for bases other than cells
69 }
70 if (set_map[rx] == 0) // Test is this is the first time we saw this RN entry
71 {
72 set_map[rx] = 1;
73 e_headers[nh++] = (TYPE_COL << 16 | rx); // Yes - setup the correct TYPE_COL header
74 }
75 if (set_map[cx] == 0) // Test if this is the first time we saw this CN
76 {
77 set_map[cx] = 1;
78 e_headers[nh++] = (TYPE_COL << 16 | cx); // Yes - setup the correct TYPE_COL header
79 }
80 if (set_map[bx] == 0) // Test if this is the first time we saw this BN
81 {
82 set_map[bx] = 1;
83 e_headers[nh++] = (TYPE_COL << 16 | bx); // Yes - setup the correct TYPE_COL header
84 }
86 e_headers[nh++] = (TYPE_ROW << 16 | vx); // Now setup the correct TYPE_ROW header
88 // e_entries[ne++] = (vx << 16) | nx; // Do nothing - may need this later for bases other than cells
89 e_entries[ne++] = (vx << 16) | rx; // Add the ROW/COL RN entry
90 e_entries[ne++] = (vx << 16) | cx; // Add the ROW/COL CN entry
91 e_entries[ne++] = (vx << 16) | bx; // Add the ROW/COL BN entry
92 }
93 }
95 // The DLX row/col headers and entries have been initialized - call exact_declare to setup the problem
97 int status = exact_declare (e, nh, ne, e_headers, e_entries); // new call that eliminates the multiple exact_declare_xxx
99 if (status) // all the calls (most of them anyway) now return status
100 {
101 printf ("do_base_cover - exact_declare failed with error %d\n", status);
102 exit (1);
103 }
105 int sc; // exact_solve count for number of entries the following vector
106 const int *s; // exact_solve solution vector
108 // exact_filter (e, base_filter, &set_map); // Do nothing - base filter not currently used
109 exact_level (e, level_filter, (void *) bc); // Install the level filter to restrict solutions to same sized base and
cover sets
111 int ec = 0; // Track solution counter
113 // Execute the DLX and find all exact cover solutions
115 while (s = exact_solve (e, &sc)) // Standard exact_solve loop - returns NULL for no/last solution
116 {
117 link_set.reset (); // STL bitset<729> used for the union of all the cover sets
119 for (int n = 0; n < sc; n++) // sc contains the number of entries in the solution stack s
120 link_set |= m_covers->cover[s[n]].index; // m_cover is a table of 324 bitset<729> defining the 9 peers for the s[n]
cover set
122 int changed = 0; // initialize the changed switch
124 memset (c_counts, 0, sizeof (c_counts)); // initialize the 729 cover counters
126 // Compute the cover counts for each NRC entry in the base_set and cand_set maps
128 for (int vx = 0; vx < m_rows; vx++) // m_rows = 729
129 {
130 if (base_set[vx]) // decrement cover count if this is in the base set
131 c_counts[vx]--;
133 if (link_set[vx] && cand_map[vx]) // increment cover count if this is in the candidate set and in the
solution cover set
134 c_counts[vx]++;
135 }
137 // Test the cover counts for any eliminations due to this solution
139 for (int vx = 0; vx < m_rows; vx++)
140 {
141 if (c_counts[vx] != 0) // used to be (c_counts[vx] < 0 || c_counts[vx] > (sc - bc)) where sc - bc
= fin count
142 {
143 int r = V2R (vx); // compute row = vx/81
144 int c = V2C (vx); // compute col = vx/9 & 0x1ff
145 int d = V2N (vx); // compute digit = vx%9
147 int change = update_mbit (d, r, c, grid); // see if we can eliminate this candidate (may already be done if
change = 0)
148 update += change; // increment our update count (if any)
149 changed += change; // increment out changed count (if any)
151 if (change) // set our updated map for generating an xsudo sud case
152 updt_map->_Unchecked_set (vx);
154 if (sw_xverbose || sw_verbose && change) // generate a log entry for the elimination, if requested
155 {
156 printf ("%s - reducing r%dc%d.%s by <%d> base/cover\n", caller, r+1, c+1,
157 int2bin (grid->cell[r][c].mbits | (1 << d)), d+1);
158 }
159 }
160 }
162 if (sw_xverbose || sw_verbose && changed) // generate a log entry for the base/cover, if requested and any
163 {
164 printf ("%s - base/cover %s %s\n", caller, bs2bin (sloc_map, bc), cs2bin (s, sc));
165 }
166 }
168 return (update); // return the number of updates along with the updated map positions
169 }
If there is of any interest, I'll post the modified libexact code as well as the driver code that takes a set of cells and generates multiple calls to do_base_cover for all possible combinations.
I'm hoping other programmers will become likewise interested in coding better base/cover analysis code that we can all share. Obviously there are many parts missing, but this is just a "teaser" and I'll release all the code embedded in my testbed ALS engine along with the code to generate sud case collections.