Hikaru79 wrote:Does anyone know if it is possible to have a legal board position (ie, none of the clues violate the rules), but which does not have at least one legal solution
Actually, it is faily simple to create these.
Take any valid sudoku, and use pencilmarks to show the valid candidates. Now solve the puzzle (or use a program to do it for you). Any candidate that is not part of the solution can be placed without violating the rules, but preventing a valid solution.
Here is a simple example:
- Code: Select all
6 . .|3 . .|. . .
. . 8|. . .|. 1 .
7 2 .|8 1 .|. . .
3 . .|. . .|6 9 4
8 . 4|. 7 5|2 . 3
9 5 6|. . .|. . 1
. . .|. 3 9|. 6 7
. 9 .|. . .|4 . .
. . .|. . 1|. . 2
Can you spot the odd one out?